• The Next Step

    Post-ST:Beyond, the road to healing is slow for the crew and captain of the fallen Enterprise.

  • A Glass Half Full

    A series of one-shots revolving around drinks of various kinds, ranging through the three movies and beyond. This chapter: A slice of life Post-STID.

  • All's Fair

    He needs a staff that will call him out, not blindly obey every command; one that actually enjoys his company rather than tolerating it with a fake smile. One who has somehow, despite all odds, wormed their way under his skin to wrap around his heart. It would kill him to lose them, now. Also now, he wants to kill them. It balances out.

  • As a General Rule

    Five times Jim Kirk protected his crew, and one time they returned the favor

  • Insontis II - A Child of Two Worlds

    Starfleet Command has become interested in the Insonti technology which transformed their most prominent starship captain into an infant some weeks ago. The Enterprise has been assigned to perform research, hopefully producing an allegiance with the Insonti people. And after all, observing the effects on a non-human species is the next logical step...

  • Survivors

    Old habits are hard to break, and all siblings argue. Unfortunately, the consequences of this particular heated argument is going to give them a far bigger scare than anything supernatural ever could. Written for the prompt, "Sam has a heart condition neither brother is aware of. That is, until the day both brothers are fighting at the top of their lungs." S10 spoiler warning.

  • Do You Believe in Magic?

    Normal people get a cake, balloons, maybe a new cell phone for their birthday. Dean Winchester gets a panic room. Oh, and an Xbox, because apparently Sam's become an eBay sniper. Written for a Dean-centric H/C prompt on LJ's hoodie time meme. Mostly general, a few episode-specific spoilers for S10. Gen.

  • We Don't Leave Anyone Behind

    "Don't let Sam get in the way, okay, because he'll try." Problem is, Castiel has very little chance against a man motivated by a force powerful enough that not even Lucifer had been able to harness it.

  • Fix Something

    They are men of letters, not speeches. Second in Start Somewhere series, epistolary-centric stories set post-10.03. This: Answer to the prompt, I'd like a fic where Dean realizes that Sam has a poor opinion of himself/or a false opinion of what others think of him. Brotherly H/C, Gen, direct spoilers for 10.05.

  • Start Somewhere

    Set immediately post-10.03, so spoilers for Soul Survivor. It's eight days before they actually speak to each other again. A mysteriously appearing marker board isn't the usual way of apologizing for a colossal screw-up like theirs; but then again, they are Men of Letters.

  • Playing with Magic

    The boys get hit with a spell that dooms them to eternal sleep; cue binge energy drinking and bad Sleeping Beauty jokes. Now, the spell has been lifted, and all Sam wants to do is sleep - but that's hard to do when Lucifer is sharing the front seat with you.

  • Beyond Good And Evil

    Sam discovers a book of new Devil's Traps in one of the library rooms of the bunker, but when he tries duplicating them, one backfires on him. Unfortunately, Dean is still in town when Sam realizes he is trapped and steadily growing weaker inside the circle. Comment-fic fill for LJs ohsam birthday meme.

  • Beginner's Luck

    LJ ohsam comment fic fill for the prompt: "Give convalescent!Sam a house for his birthday. He can share it with Dean, Cas, Amelia, Jody, Kevin...just, not a car, not a family destiny batcave, but a house, one he'll get to keep." Oneshot, Gen, heed the warning for unabashed schmoop and completely AU S9 finale scenario.

  • Memento Vivere

    After the events of #THINMAN, Sam finally decides to extend an olive branch of sorts to his "hunting partner." In the process, he finds that both he and Dean have old wounds that need to begin healing before they can fix what's broken between them now. Spoilers, as it's a jump onto the S9 fix-it bandwagon. Full warnings inside.