
  • Love Profusion

    One-shot: She had been on her mind for several days now, and Stella couldn't explain why. She was their enemy, after all, the one who has caused her and her friends so much anguish and annoyance. So why was she thinking of her of all people?

  • Dismalediction and the Remedy

    After several years of lying low, Ghetsis makes a comeback. What's his plan this time? Is he going to take over Unova again? Or is he going to try and steal more Pokemon? No, this time, he's going to hit the region hard. But, with what? Well, have you ever heard the term: biological warfare?

  • Summertime Sadness

    One shot: Layla is finally convinced by her friends to go on a date with Roy. But, can she really go through with it? Ghosts of the past come to haunt her, and start toying with not only her emotions but her mind as well...

  • When I Let the Water Take Me

    One-shot: It had been more than a year since Nabu's passing and each day was more difficult than the last. Although she seemed happy on the outside, inside, her mind was a raging inferno of anger, guilt and lament. She didn't know how she had kept going for this long...

  • The Fading Ceremony

    AU one-shot: Bloom is found using magic during the era of the Salem Witch Trials.

  • Too Tragic to Stay With You

    [One-shot] Musa was tired of it. Actually, no. She wasn't tired of just an it, for this it had a name, and that name happened to be Riven.

  • The Invaluable Darkness

    One-shot AU: Wealthy noblewoman Darcy Crevecoeur, has just begun to realize that the marriage she was practically forced into, is a sham. The one she thought she loved is no more than a greedy pig who used her title as leverage. She is done with her old life, and wishes to start anew. That is, until her husband finds out her plans. PART TWO OF: "I'd Give My Heart, I'd Give My Soul"

  • Forbidden Love

    "Just one smile on your face, was all it took to change my fortune. Just one word from your mouth, was all I needed to be certain." (A Rosa and Balder one-shot)

  • I'd Give My Heart, I'd Give My Soul

    AU One-shot: Icy Crevecoeur is a successful business woman in London during the 1800's. Her life seems to be going just the way she likes it. That is, until one fateful night, where she chooses to act out her violent nature; changing the course of her life forever.