

  • The Necromancer

    These are the tales of the Planeswalker Chain, the Necromancer. Please Review!

  • The Athlete and the Engineer

    Korra is the best athlete at her school. Asami is the smartest. And when Korra needs her help, can this two work out their differences? High school AU. Please Review!

  • Lapis Love

    Pearl meets a girl while at college and it's none other than Lapis Lazuli. Nothing to do with High school sucks. Please review

  • The Tale of the Fallen

    Garnet is just a sergeant, looking for ease. Amethyst is just looking for a fight. And Pearl is looking for a home. This is the the story of how it all began. Of how the Crystal Gems met. And this is the story of the end. This is the Tale of the Fallen! Rated M for future chapters. Please read and Review!

  • High School Sucks

    High school sucks for your average nerd. Pearl has a crush on the most popular girl in school but isn't even close to being as popular as her. What will she do? I guess she'll have to figure something out. Hey this is my first fan fiction so please review. I don't own Steven Universe. Rebecca Sugar does. Rated M for language and sex. Lots of Oc's

  • Some Horror Club

    Ronaldo tries to make up with Lars after what happened at the lighthouse. One-shot

  • The Jenny Experiment

    Sadie's senior year is going to be her best year ever! But when a new girl rejects Sadie's friendship, Sadie decides to try an experiment. Please review!