

  • Back On Track

    It was a little unsettling to see Krei of all people look anything but sure of himself. (Post-movie; takes place after Fair and Good As New and might make more sense if you've read the second - but it's not necessary.)

  • Pushing Through

    Hiro thought she didn't know he wasn't sleeping. Truth be told, she wasn't sleeping much herself.

  • Fair

    Post-movie, Hiro has a bit to come to terms with... including some of the people involved in the team's first mission. CONTAINS SPOILERS.

  • After The Beep

    Voicemail is a great way to keep in touch when someone can't get to the phone.

  • Big Hero Bonds

    A series of one-shots focusing on pairs or small groups of characters hanging out and bonding - because really, that's one thing the movie needed a touch more of. Some spoilers.

  • Habits

    After the disaster at Krei Tech, Alistair Krei needs to work out where he's going from here... even if it doesn't exactly come naturally. (Takes place before Back On Track.)

  • Christmas Memory

    It's the first Christmas without Tadashi - and while Baymax struggles to make sense of the holiday and provide comfort where he can, something keeps bothering him.

  • Good News

    Before Tadashi's death, he and Fred had something to tell the others.

  • Emotional Response And Other Unfamiliar Functions

    Baymax had once asked Hiro if the current path of events was what Tadashi would have wanted. Lately, he was asking himself the same question.

  • Good As New

    Hiro isn't the only one with a lot to come to terms with. A companion to Fair - you don't need to read one to understand the other, though one skimmed scene in this one is fleshed out in Fair. Contains Spoilers.

  • Tired

    He hadn't slept peacefully since that night. (contains spoilers)