

  • Midnight Playtime

    after spending too much time with Mammon, Freya (MC) goes to Lucifer with a v specific request to string her tf up lol

  • Check Yes, Juliet

    An AU featuring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan as pre-teens who are secretly in love with each other and really just oblivious about it, but really - what's new?

  • Safe and Sound

    Crona cries, and Maka kisses him. Lots of cute fluff.

  • The Sentinel

    Takes place on the Grey's honeymoon; Taylor breaks his silence and threatens Christian over the safety of Anastasia.

  • Stay

    The Doctor, Amy, and a lazy afternoon in a meadow of killer sunflowers. Feelings are felt then and the sunflowers become the last of their cosmic worries.

  • Drugged for Christmas

    Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. Holmes' house (His Last Vow), except with Molly Hooper. Molly cries, and Sherlock sighs. Some cute and feelzy feelings here.

  • One-Night Handstands

    Matt Smith and Karen Gillan work out. Yoga happens. Shenanigans ensue in the shower room.

  • Baby Talk

    Mahariel seeks out her apostate friend for a conversation that takes place after Morrigan's ritual. What DA:O left unsaid. Angst and dark humor.

  • Puppy Love

    The group stages an intervention for Alistair who feels like he is being bullied by Dog. Completely probable. Lots of light vibes and happy feelings :)

  • Fire and Steel

    Hawkeye convinces the Colonel to sear the tattoo off her back, but what is she really asking of him? Early!Royai - lots of fluff, angst, and heartache from the characters who make me wish I was dead.

  • With Amber Eyes and Painted Wings

    Lyna Mahariel returns to camp after a secret suicide mission that involved searching for Tamlen as well as a whole lot of darkspawn. Unfortunately, she does not escape unscathed and faces a life and death situation back at home. Can Alistiar and Wynne save her in time? Takes place after the events of "Bloodshed." Oneshot involving lots of angst and drama.

  • Chapter 12 - Eleven's Afterword

    We were able to see what Amelia Pond had to say to the Doctor in the "Afterword" of the book she left him following her heart-shattering departure. But what about the Doctor? What would he have said? / A short poem in the Eleven's POV - takes place following The Angels Take Manhatten /

  • Glitter In Vegas

    AU - Matt Smith and Arthur Darvill travel to Vegas in celebration of Matt's upcoming wedding to Daisy Lowe. After hitting a strip club, Matt recognizes one of the dancers to be Karen Gillan - his childhood friend and high school sweetheart. After a more than awkward reunion, Karen takes Matt into a VIP room to… catch up. A Smillan oneshot!