
you know who chan

  • A Slytherin's Word

    Severus Snape returns to Hogwarts after HBP and talks to a very unusual spirit…NOT OC! Oneshot

  • Lets Talk about Sexand Fanfiction?

    A not-so original plot: Ron has finally done "it"-and the Gryffindor boys have a discussion on it. Harry goes on to prove he is the most experienced of them all! warnings of hinted slash and major parody

  • Founding Trails

    The story of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin, how they met and how they lived their lives. Covers their childhood, Hogwarts, and beyond. Warning: Violence and death in some chapters.

  • Marauders in the Future

    James, Sirius, and Remus find a door that takes them to Harry's time where thay learn along with Harry and his friends, but what happens when staying to long starts to change the past? HIATUS-BEING REWRITTEN. Updated chap. 1 through 5!

  • MonkeyFace

    Harry said that Salazar Slytherin had a face like a monkey…but did he really? Well…it was all thanks to Godric.One Shot

  • Marauders are Like Toy Soldiers

    The song Like Toy Soldiers with the infamous Marauder gang between lyics. DarkSirius! Oneshot, song fic.Rated for Eminem's colorful language. Nothing is mine!

  • Wizards in a Muggle School

    Volde is thought to attack James, so he needs to go under the WWPP Dumbledore lets him take a friend, along with the prefects. So, James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius are sent to a muggle school. Light LilyJames

  • Seriously Sirius

    James Remus Sirius first incounter. James has an odd time beleiving that Sirius' name is, in fact, Sirius. One Shot.

  • Remus Got Run Over By a Seeker

    The Marauder's twist to Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Or James's, Sirius's, and Peter's Christmas prestent to Remus. one shot