

  • Dangerous

    Based on the promo for season two, on how Bedelia has somehow learned that Hannibal is dangerous. She slowly backs away from him, and he slowly follows. [Character Death]

  • The Death of Bedelia du Maurier

    "Jack Crawford doesn't know what you're capable of," she said. It was as if she could see the evil in his eyes, shining at her. "Neither do you." Set after Kaiseki. Character death.

  • Somewhere Only We Know

    Something short about love and long eyelashes and Pavarotti's tree. (Note: This is set in March, because I feel like March should be an important month for Klaine.)

  • Ghostwood

    After 20-something years, little miss Audrey Horne drives back into Twin Peaks. Why?

  • Dreamy Music

    The music in her head is dreamy. And so is Cooper's touch.

  • Wonderful and Strange

    Agent Cooper comes back to the Great Northern after a long day of trying to solve the Laura Palmer case. He's tired, but suddenly he hears music playing in the hallway. Soft, dreamy music. Unable to not investigate, he wanders down the hallway. Who will be standing there dancing alone? [Set early in season one. They have met a few times before this.]

  • Compassion for a Killer

    Hannibal has attacked Jack and Will, and Bedelia knows that he will pay her a visit too. Something short about Bedelia's thoughts. Set during 2x13 Mizumono.

  • Itsuwari

    Something short about when Bedelia was attacked by her patient.