

  • (Not So) Hidden Truths

    Phil swallowed hard, absolutely despising Christopher Dean, because she was just handing him Phil's deepest, darkest fantasy: complete control over Jayne Torvill and her pleasure. But he had to see. He had to **know**.

  • The Dangerous Illusion of Reality

    Karen Barber had never been afraid of Jayne Torvill, not once in thirty-odd years, but in that instant, she saw just how dangerous the other woman was when she was protecting what was hers. And Christopher Dean was hers. In every possible way.

  • Seismic

    "You've never kissed me." "That's true. I haven't." (or: four minutes and eight months in the life of Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean)

  • The Devil's Mistress

    "Always causing trouble, aren't you, Miss Fisher?" "Well, of course, Jack. You'd get bored otherwise."

  • The Clarity of a Distorted Reflection

    He waited until nearly 7:30 to allow for any last-minute murders, robberies, or goat-stealing to occur before calling it a day.