
  • Hate (Another Four Letter Word for Love)

    Just a short drabble about hate and love from Draco's point of view.

  • Almost Christmas

    Christmas seems so dark and desolate and Hermione can't find a reason to feel anything but dread this holiday. Not only is the spirit of Christmas missing this year, but something else. Though she knows she should look ahead and count her blessings, she can't see past her woes. Perhaps someone special can make her Christmas bright again. (Dramione)

  • By the Light of the Moon

    Something about the silver moon called her to him, and she knew she would never be the same again. (week 6 of TMB's War of the Words Challenge) Harry Potter/Sookie Stackhouse Crossover

  • Roses are Red (And so is my Blood)

    On the eve of a milestone birthday, a woman looks back on her life and remembers. (Week five of TMB's War of the Words Challenge)

  • Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, Granger

    Hermione feels like a scrooge this year, and doesn't even care about Christmas, but will someone make her Christmas wish come true? Draco wants her to be his Christmas wish, and let's face it, Draco Malfoy always gets what he wants.

  • Moments in Time

    Five separate moments in the Life of Hermione Granger. One moment with Harry, one with Ron, one with Professor Lupin, one with Oliver Wood and last, one with Draco Malfoy. Not written in chronological order. Romance and Friendship, Heartache, Pain & Love.

  • A Valentine's Day Surprise

    Written for Granger Enchanted Valentine's Day Challenge 2009. Prompt: They were forbidden, their love hidden from the world, but on this one day a year, Valentine's Day, nothing else mattered but their feelings for each other.

  • A Wedding in June

    They say a good woman is hard to find... good thing Hermione Granger is a good woman, because Marcus Flint found her and now he intends to keep her. (Part 6 of the series 'This Year').

  • May Flowers (Part 5 of 'This Year' series)

    If April shower's brings May flowers, than what does May flowers bring? All Charlie wanted was to be left alone to tend to his garden. Hermione Granger had other plans.

  • Wish You Were Here

    How can two people feel so blue during Oktoberfest? Well, for Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy it's pretty easy. (Dramione) Oktoberfest Challenge for The Maple Bookshelf - Prompt used: "Why do you always like me when you've been drinking, and then turn back into a harpy when you're not?"

  • I Dare You to Be My Valentine

    Draco Malfoy has a challenge to offer Hermione Granger. (Part 2 of the 'This Year' series)

  • Two Doors (January)

    He lived behind the green door and she lived behind the red. (Dramione)

  • Pink Roses

    Everyday a pink rose would appear on Hermione Granger's desk. She soon finds out there's more to the rose than meets the eye. She also finds out that it involves one of five men... all former Slytherins.

  • A Whisper of Light

    Hermione Granger stood across the street from a dark deserted looking house in the pouring rain, watching it closely in the whispering, pale light, as day turned into night. Though the house was dark, she knew it as well as she knew the back of her hand. Likewise, even though it appeared empty, she knew in the back of her mind that he was in there.

  • A Rose by Any Other Name

    Her lips really did remind him of a rose… pink, slightly open, engaging and delicate. He was sure they were just as sweet. The old adage about a rose by any other name and all that rubbish came to mind, but it left his brain just as easily as it came when he answered the call to kiss her by placing his lips next to hers and pressing down gently. (Dramione)

  • Alone

    They really just wanted to be alone. They would have to settle on being alone, together. This was written for Quilter for The Maple Bookshelf's June 2013 carrot. (Marcus Flint and Hermione Granger).

  • It's About Time

    He loved her more than words could say, so he wrote her a letter instead. (Written for eterna romantica03 for winning The Maple Bookshelf's March 2013 carrot).

  • A Ghost of a Chance

    He was supposed to be dead, but everyone claimed he was back as a ghost. Hermione didn't believe in people coming back from the dead. She didn't even believe in love, because he was her first love, but he left her. She wasn't sure she could ever forgive him for that. They don't have a ghost of a chance of finding their way back to each other, whether he's really alive or not.

  • Rules of Engagement

    Hermione was engaged to one person, while Draco was engaged to someone else. Together, they were celebrating the engagement of their friend. However, it seemed no one was engaged to whom they really wanted - so it's time to break the rules of engagement. (Multiple other pairings as well as Dramione.)

  • A Silver and Gold Lining

    She was everyone's golden girl. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. However, people weren't always as they appeared on the outside, especially when you had to consider ancient Nordic lore, Veelas, and romance. Dramione .