
  • Sloth - Part 3 of The Seven Deadly Death Eater Tales

    The way he figured it, she cheated him out of the biggest reward of his career. Now it was time for her to pay him back, so to speak. (Scabior & Hermione Granger). Part 3 of The 7 Part 'Seven Deadly Death Eater Tales'.

  • Envy (Part 2 of The Seven Deadly Death Eater Tales)

    Time was a very strange thing, but even time couldn't heal some wounds. Severus Snape spent his until life wanting a woman he could never have, until one day he had a memory - a memory that he should never have had - of another woman, who replaced that want, that 'envy', with something so much more. (Part 2 of The Seven Deadly Death Eater Tales)

  • Dance (of Desire) with my Enemy

    His desire to ruin his enemy started with a dance. (Written for The Maple Bookshelf's 'It's all Been Done Passionately' Challenge)

  • Sketches and Words

    Every day he was there in the park sketching. She was in the same park writing. Who would have ever guess that they were actually there for the exact same reason? (Week 4 of TMB's War of the Word Challenge)

  • One Night

    He fell in love with her in one night. Now he spends another one trying to remember that fact. (Week 3 of TMB's War of the Words Challenge)

  • The Assassination of Severus Snape

    Every night he lurked around Severus Snape's Door – an assassin in disguise. (Week 2 of TMB's War of the Words Challenge)

  • Ash and Ruin

    Sometimes loneliness is harder to handle when you're not alone. (Week one of TMB's War of the Words Challenge)

  • Yes, Draco, There is a Santa Clause

    Draco stopped believing in Father Christmas a long time ago. Hermione Granger is going to make him change his mind.

  • The List

    Hermione has a list of 20 things to do & only 6 months to do them. She asks a group of former Slytherins, called 'The Vipers' to help her with her tasks, but she should know that with a den of snakes, nothing is free, for one always has to pay the piper.

  • Through the Chimney

    At the bequest of her 8 yr old daughter, Hermione leaves milk & biscuits out for Father Christmas, even though he doesn't exist. So imagine her surprise when she wakes up Christmas Eve to find a man in a red robe & white hair coming through her chimney.

  • A Familiar Place Christmas

    Hermione Granger doesn't have any Christmas cheer this year and is searching every where for it. Maybe if she searched A FAMILIAR PLACE, Christmas cheer might find her instead. Part of the 'A Familiar Place' Series

  • All's Fair in Love and Kisses

    Everyone remembers their first kiss with fondness, but not her. He took all of that away from her, and she'll never forgive him for that. Written for Granger Enchanted's Pick-a-Pair out of the Hat Challenge. Pairing - Lee Jordan & Hermione Granger.

  • The Scarf

    His obsession with her all started with a scarf, some perfume and a red dress. Anything that happened after that wasn't his fault, really it wasn't.

  • A Wish for You

    Hermione Granger writes Muggle romance novels under a penname, with a heroine named Hannah and an evil Lord Lionel, the Earl of Malford, who has a passing resemblence to Lucius Malfoy. He wants her to stop & he's going to anything to make sure she does!

  • Some Say She Will

    Some say she'll smile when she reads this. Some say she'll cry. I merely hope she'll live another day, take another breath, walk another step, and then maybe, someday...if I'm lucky, maybe she'll fall in love with me. Some say she will. Adrian and Hermio

  • A Storm in a Teacup

    Hermione thought everything was going great: dream job & new boyfriend. Then she discovers she's 6 wks pregnant, with another man's child! To make matters worse, Draco Malfoy is trying to blackmail her into teaching 2 children he claims are his. Dramione

  • The First Stone

    Draco & Hermione, married to others, work together & travel back in time using an amulet called The First Stone to change what they thought were problems with their marriages. Instead, they discover Tom Riddle, James & Lilly Potter, & lives built on lies.

  • Of Photographs and Flashbacks

    He would follow her anywhere. She was his guiding light, way toward redemption and righteousness...his own Northern star. She was attracted to him by an unseen desire, lured to him as if he were a magnet, or her own lodestone. A short Dramione story.

  • Of Red Hearts and Ruby Lips

    "You were meant for me," he whispered and wrapped his long elegant fingers in her mass of curly hair. "And I was meant for you, Granger. The quicker you come to accept it, the happier we'll all be." Dramione one shot.

  • A Kiss Under the Mistletoe

    One man broke her heart, yet another man was waiting for her under the mistletoe. A regency era short story, Christmas romance written for the 'rare pair' Love Actually Challenge for Granger Enchanted. Hermione Granger & Terry Boot.