
  • River-Mother and River-Daughter

    Before the Sun or Moon rose, the River-mother sang to the waters and they awoke. (An origin story for Goldberry drawing on the Silm, LOTR, and "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil." Main characters are Goldberry and the River-woman; brief appearances by Melian and Tom Bombadil. Gen.)

  • Easy the Descent

    The ascent from the Underworld, from Eurydice's point of view. In the end, Eurydice chooses. (Character death.)

  • Daughters of Memory

    Scenes from the Muses' wanderings. Gen, no pairings.

  • Damask and Dark

    Held captive in Nargothrond, Lúthien dreams of Beren and exchanges one prison for another. (Triple drabble. Contains horror elements.)

  • Water, Wood and Stone

    Elwing makes a friend in the woods of Doriath. (Gen.)

  • Light-weaver

    Someday, she will devour the light-weaver. Ungoliant's view of Melian. Gen, no pairings. Contains horror elements, spiders.

  • In Hope of Vengeance

    Achren reluctantly settles into Caer Dallben and awaits the moment for revenge. (Gen, Achren POV with Magg, Coll, and others.)

  • Midsummer Prayer

    Míriel keeps Erulaitalë as best she can. (Gen. A 144-word fixed-length ficlet in honor of Bilbo and Frodo's birthday.)

  • Songs of Sun and Shadow

    Melian asks Finrod, on a visit to Menegroth, to test the abilities of her young student in songs of power. (Gen, no pairings.)

  • Now Was Her Labor But Begun

    Arwen prepares to make the King's standard. (Aragorn/Arwen mentioned.)

  • By the Rivers of Beleriand

    As the end of their journey nears, Rían remembers Dorthonion. (Gen, no pairings.)

  • Foe and Friend

    In Ar-Pharazôn's palace on Númenor, Isildur's wife encounters peril, temptation, and unlooked-for help. (Gen, canon pairings implied.)

  • In the Last Hour

    What the Queen does and leaves undone, the day before the Downfall of Númenor. "The Armada sets sail, and Míriel waits for the shape of their doom to reveal itself." (Gen, no pairings.)

  • A Summer's Day

    A chance encounter: Thorongil, captain of Gondor, crosses paths with Finduilas and her young child. (Gen, canon pairings implied.)

  • The Very Devils Cannot Plague Them Better

    The personifications of Faithfulness and Jealousy have a long-standing rivalry, which takes them through many centuries and countries (and five Shakespeare plays). When Iago manipulates Othello into murdering Desdemona, it is far from the first time he has done this. Includes plot elements from The Winter's Tale, Titus Andronicus, Cymbeline, Othello, and Much Ado About Nothing.

  • No Harm

    A whim of Puck's has more consequences than he anticipates. (A Midsummer Night's Dream/Henry VI Part 1 crossover.) Puck, Oberon, Margaret of Anjou, and the Earl of Suffolk. Pairings as in canon.