
  • Call 1-800-FANTASIES

    Sherlock is a phone sex operator, and he's John's guilty pleasure.

  • My Fallen Angel

    He mutters about saving someone from hell, And at night he'll whisper, "Castiel." Poetry AU about Castiel becoming human, loosing his knowledge of being an angel, and winding up at the Winchester's front porch.

  • My Life In Moving Pictures

    Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak fall in love as teenagers. MLIMP follows their lives as told by a camera lense. Through all of the ups and downs, the happiest moments of their lives together and the saddest, Castiel continues to record to the very end. Will they end up together or will they be torn apart by tragedy?

  • Sick Day

    "What are you talking about, love?" He asked. Rose closed her eyes in thought for a second before looking back up at him innocently. "I'm pregnant." She said. ((Rated T for occasional cussing.))