
  • Scrofungulus

    It was the third night that week James had woken up alone. The third night that week, in fact, that James had woken up to the sound of his wife being sick. Was it food poisoning, Scrofungulus, or something else entirely? Oneshot.

  • Dumbledore's Finally Cracked

    When she finds out James Potter has been appointed Head Boy, Lily Evans is shocked, to say the least. But then she looks deeper and begins to realise that maybe, just maybe, Dumbledore knows what he's doing. Drabble.

  • Of Quidditch Practices and Broom Cupboards

    When Marlene drags Lily to an early-morning Quidditch practice, the last thing she wants is for Sirius Black to start singing James Potter's praises and for her to be unable to think of anything else. Oneshot.

  • For The Better

    The 2nd of May 2017 sees the nineteenth anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, and also Victoire Weasley's seventeenth birthday. Victoire makes a touching speech, Ted Lupin wants a private word and Grandma Molly is oh-so-proud. Oneshot.

  • Fake It 'Til You Make It

    It's August, and the novelty of no school is wearing off for Lily. So when a letter arrives from James Potter, wanting to meet for a drink, she agrees, against her better judgement. But a drink isn't the first proposal he has for her, and it's certainly not the strangest. A fake relationship is one way to spend your summer.

  • Beyond the Veil

    He fell through the veil like a bullet through a waterfall. And then he was falling.

  • Three Hundred and Four Days

    Modern AU. Oneshot. After three hundred and four days of dating, Lily really thinks it's time to tell her muggle boyfriend the truth.

  • For Dumbledore's Sake

    When James returns from yet another Order mission, he's expecting his girlfriend to smile at him, at the very least. Crying and yelling, well, he doesn't quite know what to do.

  • Blank Page

    Words usually come easy to Lily Evans, but then she's faced with writing a eulogy for her father.

  • Hogwarts School of Sasscraft and Wizardry

    A series of mostly unconnected drabbles in which witches and wizards display ultimate levels of sass. A bit of fun and open to requests.

  • Endless Depths

    Jily!AU drabble based on the prompt 'Outer Space'

  • Secrets in the Prefects' Bathroom

    Three weeks into his stint as Head Boy, James wants one peaceful hour in which to bathe. He's not expecting one of the stalls to be occupied and the next hour of his life to change how he sees the Head Girl forever. (Rated M to be safe; bulimia trigger warning)

  • Happy Birthday, James

    It's James' 18th birthday and instead of throwing him a party, Sirius decided James and Lily should go on a first date.

  • My Hero

    James took a deep breath. "Lily…" The way he said her name, stretching out the sound, made her feel like his next words were going to be profound. (Muggle AU, rated M for language)

  • The Seven Stages of Scorpius and Rose

    A seven part story exploring the seven years, and the seven stages, that Scorpius and Rose go through together.

  • Anchored

    Running into a group of Slytherins wasn't exactly how Lily's quick, solitary, wandless trip to the kitchens was supposed to go.

  • Fighting Invisible Dragons

    Summer is over and Lily, much like her son years later, is looking forward to going back to school, where she'll be (unlike her son) Head Girl. A new Head Boy, an old friend, and the threat of an empty compartment, can't possibly ruin the anticipation...

  • An Ode to Lily Evans

    James thinks about her a lot. He wants to know why. Drabble.

  • Lily Evans and the Furry Little Problem

    Remus decides to tell Lily about his "furry little problem", and Lily decides he needs some tough love. Drabble.

  • Knock for Forgiveness

    For two years, Ginny blamed Percy for the death of their brother in the Battle of Hogwarts. For two years, she successfully avoided all contact with him. She certainly didn't plan for him showing up at her door and demanding to know why.