Echo Frosts

  • To Save the World

    Emiya Shirou wanted to be a hero. He had walked far to do it: fighting in a Holy Grail War; defeating his own self, inside and out, over his ideals; destroying a corrupted Grail; saving Fuyuki. But he did not truly destroy 'all evils of the world', and he is soon told that he should rejoice; for his wish will certainly be granted. If not in this world, then in another...

  • Trials of Love

    Sequel to "The Heart of a Hero." Maou is committed to turning his life around and becoming the Hero he wants to be; this causes quite the stir in the (ever increasingly occupied) Maou household. Join Maou, Emi and Co. as they attempt to work through the insanity, silliness, pain, love, emotions and trials that seem to follow the couple wherever they go!

  • A Battle of Wits

    Sora and Shiro find a surprising challenge at their doorstep: Elven Garde desires to challenge the Elkia Federation with an all-stakes game: either the elves join the Federation, or the Federation is subjected to their government! What game will Sora choose to fight the incredible magic of the Elves? Why, a game where magic can't help them: a game that only a human could win.

  • A Still, Small Voice

    AU. After his transformation in Ba Sing Se, Zuko is a new man. Following his conscience, he makes a radically good choice followed by a terrible one; these actions change the events of Book Three, leading Zuko and the Gaang in an entirely new direction, involving romance, adventure, spirituality, growth, healing and the end of the Hundred Year War. Zutara.

  • The Heart of a Hero

    An Archangel of Justice comes to visit Emi; she finds herself facing a very difficult and painful choice concerning Maou, which he is painfully unaware of. Contains character development, sacrifice, emotions, humor, love and romance. Two-shot.

  • Task Force Whiskey Hotel

    AU. A new Prime Minister of England enters office several months or so before the fall of the Ministry of Magic. After the strange introductory visit from the Minister of Magic, he works with a U.S. general to do what millions of teenage boys secretly thought of as they read the Harry Potter series: introduce the wizarding world to U.S. firepower. A silly series about guns v. magic