
  • Emperor Ape

    Caesar has led his apes to freedom and he is now their leader, but he knows it will only be temporary. The only answer is to ensure the apes become stronger and smarter. CE timeline

  • Watch it, Kingpin

    Peter muses about the recent discovery of Wilson Fisk as the Kingpin and muses about what Kingpin has done over his time as Spider-Man.

  • The Hubris of Red Squad

    Spoilers for 'Valiant,' Jake tells his father about what happened on the Valiant and Nog's hero-worship.

  • Space 1999 - The Drift

    A collection of short stories and crossovers detailing Moonbase Alpha's journey through space, through horrors of all kinds, and wonders as they explore space trying to discover a new home.

  • Sherlock at War: The Bruce Partington Plans

    DS Watson has been assigned to DCI Sherlock Holmes, just in time for Holmes' brother Mycroft to point them in the direction of a murdered assistant... and plans which are valuable to Britain and their ultimate survival in the war.

  • The Reign of Cruella DeVil

    Cruella has now taken everything belonging to the Baroness, her real mother. And life is good.

  • We're Red Squad, and we can do anything!

    Jake Sisko has tried to get through to the arrogant junkie cadet Watters and the rest of Red Squad. He has tried to get through to Nog, but he's failed. What was he thinking at the time? Spoilers for 'Valiant'

  • The Ghosts of those three officers

    Tom Paris's explanation of why he lied about the accident that got him kicked out of Starfleet.

  • A Different Future Unfolds

    AU. Using the Temporal Observatory, Archer and his people realise history has changed to the point the Temporal Cold War is being fought in a new universe and past - their own - so they decide to protect what they have. Sequel to 'Is this meant to be Happening' SGA crossover Star Trek Discovery TOS DS9 VOY TNG

  • Lake

    Prequel to 'P3 to H20' Prue finds out the camp is being reopened while she reels from the memories of Patty's death.

  • Klingon against Cardassian, Federation against Klingon

    Sisko's thoughts during the final battle in The Way of the Warrior while he's trying to get through to Gowron and Martok.

  • The Worst Case of Mistaken Identity

    Set in the episode 'The Stitcher's Society' Barnaby's thoughts at the end of the episode, and his thoughts on the idiot who started the whole witch hunt against an innocent man.

  • Is this our Future?

    Piper's thoughts as she reflects on the possible favour not having magic can do. Okay, so there's a demon that's got their powers now, but does it matter?

  • The Vow on the Pieces of Eight

    Long John Silver swears to get the treasure after its buried on the island.

  • Hanging by Threads

    The Doctor's thoughts as she first, as far as she knows, sees the Flux. Spoilers for The Halloween Apocalpyse.

  • He's one of you now

    Julian's thoughts, and disgust, when Odo loses his shapeshifting abilities. Spoilers for 'Broken Link'

  • Recalling the Weeping Angels

    Spoilers for Village of the Angels, the Doctor's thoughts about her desperation to learn more about the Divison and what the result is as she is BECOMING a Weeping Angel.

  • The Revelations of Patty Halliwell

    Set after 'P3 to H20' After defeating the demon which killed their mother, the Halliwell sisters return to the lake where they look to see how important Sam was to Patty.

  • We have engaged the Borg

    Picard's thoughts as he sees the Borg ship which has wantonly invaded Federation space. - Spoilers for The Best of Both Worlds.

  • The Only one he was Afraid of

    Marooned on Treasure Island, Ben Gunn reflects on how he came to be there, and how he believes Flint is on borrowed time.