
  • Saripin Setor Kepada Kita

    Malam itu, berkumpulnya Remilia, Sakuya, dan Marisa di Kuil Hakurei mendapat kejutan. Disusun untuk Challenge: Dialog Bahasa Daerah 2015, rated for slight swearing and slight SakuRei.

  • The Philosopher's Propeller, or, Bickering in A Starlit Night

    That's just how they work, really. Amidst the nigh-constant bickering Richard and Miyano have, none of their teammates can deny that they care deeply for each other and the rest of the team. Rated due to GuardianLizardShipping, osananajimi (childhood friend romance), and *shudders* the history of Crusades.

  • Kuntilanak di Kuil Moriya

    Suatu malam yang indah di Kuil Moriya harus terganggu lantaran nyamuk yang menyerbunya ... tunggu, hubungannya kuntilanak dengan nyamuk apa? /Ditulis untuk Challenge: Dialog Bahasa Daerah, rating T karena adanya Jancuker!Kanako/