

  • Absent With Out Leave

    aka:AWOL - This is what I think might of happened between the end of Episode 2 where Gabriel loses his wife and the beginning of Episode 3 where Riley finds him in the cantina in Mexico. Another one shot for me! My muse just wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote this! I hope you enjoy what she came up with! 'T' just to be safe!

  • Be My Valentine?

    It's Valentines day and Agent Neal is in a bad mood. Of course Gabriel has to try to cheer her up! In his typically annoying way! This is what happens when a helpless romantic and too little fanfiction for my favourite new tv series clash together! My FIRST one-shot I hope it is okay! My first story in a couple of years! Please be gentle!

  • Harry Potter and the Curse of the Seventh Horcrux

    What if when Hagrid went to get Harry on the night Voldemort killed James and Lily he found two Potter children in the ruins at Godric's Hollow? This is the story of that scenario. Cannon to book six. This is my version of book seven.