M rated chapter for Moon in Scorpio (Chapter 57) ... I'll just go hide behind the couch
Just another of my crazy one-shots!
Oneshot ... or half a shot, just something that popped into my crazy head ...
I would like you to join me on this trip of mystery and survival ... if I get beyond taking the first step ... and you are willing to risk it
AU. Investigative Reporter and published author Richard Castle finds a cop's shield in a deserted alley and hands it in, assuming it was lost during a chase or arrest. However, when he casually discovers, two weeks later, that the missing cop is still unaccounted for, his Spidey senses tell him there's more to this story than meets the eye.
Some Caskett moments built around food. The idea's been sitting in my computer for some time. I hope you think its worth licking your lips over ...
A very short one-shot which probably isn't what you're thinking, lol
When Detective Beckett hits her head during the investigation into the death of Annabelle Collins, loses consciousness and then recovers it, she believes she's Lieutenant Chloe … chaos ensues ….