Mathias Koehler

  • English Beauty - Danish Psycho

    "I'm sure those masked bastards are planning to go there. Thousands upon thousands of unsuspecting, intoxicated civilians? It's like Hamleys for terrorists." When (in his rightful opinion) the Ministry cocks up again, England decides to put his foot down, even if it means dragging an annoyingly virile Viking along with him. DenEng&Harmony. More possible pairings in the future.

  • You're a wizard, Angus

    "You're a wizard, Angus," Arthur muttered in a Scottish accent. "I'm a WHAT?" - If you've seen "You're a wizard, Harry" you know what to expect.

  • Årsgång

    In the old days, man tried to catch a glimpse of the future in the strangest of ways. They locked themselves in dark rooms, not partaking of food and drink. At the stroke of midnight, they ventured out into the night, through the dark woods where strange creatures roamed. Berwald has made his mind up. He is going to year walk. {Folklore, gratuitous use of Swedish, Berwald-centric}