
  • What happens behind closed doors

    Who awaits Severus Snape when he gets home from a long day of teaching? Pure fluff :) ONE SHOT!

  • Harry Potter, Harry Snape or Harry Riddle?

    Harry finds out that not everything is as it seems. He has a familiy... a family that is very much alive and someone kept them from him for their own purposes. Set at the end of GoF. Pretty much canon up until third task with only a few side stories changed. Slash M/M: HP/RW, SS/Voldemort Don't like don't read! Bad!Dumbles, Good!Voldie

  • Bonded for Life

    Due to a newly implemented marriage law Harry gets married off to the highest bidder. But after his godfather's death he has sunken into a depression - not caring for anything going on around him. Will his newly bonded be able to get him out of that depression? starts summer after OotP