Lady of the Wifi

  • Mayfly

    With Gabriel Agreste officially behind bars and the peacock miraculous recovered, Paris has more faith in its heroes than ever. But the lives of the heroes aren't much easier, with Adrien and Kagami adjusting to lives without their parents, Fu giving the heroes more responsibility, and the growing interest of other magical groups in Paris.

  • An Oath to Keep With Final Breath

    Even before Rachel said that line, even before seven demigods worried over the meaning, someone was prepared to hold her oath of loyalty until the end.

  • On the Right Track

    An old article from the Daily Prophet back in July of 1980. One-shot.

  • May I Have Your Attention?

    James Potter settles a private matter very loudly and in front of all of Hogwarts. Valentine's Day Week one-shot 7/7!

  • The Girl Next Door

    Moving is always hard, but sometimes it opens doors that weren't even there before. Of course, that's the last thing running through the Dursleys' minds when they meet their new, annoying neighbor. Valentine's Day Week one-shot 3/7. Happy Valentine's Day!

  • Have I Made Myself Clear?

    James Sirius Potter thought he was clever, but he wasn't anything McGonagall hadn't seen before. One-shot, next gen.

  • Deck the Halls

    When the professors' workloads add up, they come up with a clever way of making the students do the Christmas decorations. Post-Golden Trio Hogwarts. One-shot.

  • Aphrodite's Curse

    Even the toughest kids can't fight Aphrodite's powers. One-shot

  • The Test

    What happens on April Fool's at Camp Half-blood? While they all may be crazy, one April first steals the show.