
  • Pleasure to Meet You!

    Bilbo never knew how it happened, but personally, he blamed Gandalf.

  • Company Doesn't Know

    Bella and Ori were cute, are cute and always will be cute. That was what company always thought and what the company most certainly didn't see any reason to change their opinion about. Yet, Company certainly doesn't know everything, and neither Bella, nor Ori have the intention of ever educating them on the subject. A story of how Ori and Bella are not that innocent. FINISHED.

  • Fun in Bed

    They fail at spicing up their sex life. But they still are having fun.

  • Best Intentions

    It seemed so harmless at the beginning – get to know the future Consort, make sure that he will not become one, for there are others far more suitable than some hobbit from Shire. Or rather - Valar save them all from those who have good intentions. FULL A/N INSIDE. AU. Read progress updates on nefindahouseDOTwordpressDOTcom , if interested on what's going on with the story.

  • What will become of the Boy?

    If there was a sentence, string of words, that Kili hated with passion, it was the sentence: "What will become of the boy?", muttered by his mother, by his uncle, by his father, by his teachers, by his own brother. Genderswap, Fem!Bilbo.

  • Sticks and Stones

    or decades, Bilbo had thought only a few people his family - mostly his Took cousins, and only handful of his Baggins relatives, since they tended to look at him funny, given his parentage. But those 13 dwarves wormed their way into his heart during the months of the journey to Erebor with what their characters showed. And yet, they still shattered his heart on that fateful day.

  • Eye of the Beholder

    retty boy. Beauty among the dwarves. The dark-haired, pretty one. Such a beautiful young man. How Kíli hated when he was called these. He hated it, because dwarven prince is not supposed to be beautiful or pretty; dwarven prince is supposed to be resourceful and skilled in battle, they told him ever since he was a small dwarfling. Not anymore, though. Not since The Battle.

  • Girl You've Got Me Flustered

    She was the one who asked him out for a walk, and together, when time was right, they hopped to more. But sweet Yavanna, was the girl making him flustered. Pre-Hobbit plot. First part of "Flustered' series.

  • Cheer Up, Little Bunny

    Like, it was nice to finally be accepted to the Company by Thorin, but while everyone seemed not to hold him at such distance as before, he still was mostly just laughing-stock for them. At least it *felt* like that to him. Oneshot story.

  • The Leap

    Thea Hawke agrees with her brother opinion that if anyone should hide, it should be her. So she gives him her blessings and he departs with the Deep Roads expedition. And of course things go sideways pretty quickly.

  • By Any Other Name

    He never truly told her what the word he started to use in relation to her meant, for he had been coward first, and too late second. Kink meme fill. Complete.

  • Dawn Will Come

    With the Inquisitor disappearing, the world is flung into darkness, only few still resisting the Elder One. But even then, they are failing. Kink meme fill. Inquisition AU.

  • Higher Goals

    Two nobles once again join forces to make sure the darkspawn won't overrun Amaranthine. Things will just get more and more complicated, new friendships will be made and new enemies will get defeated. Noblesse oblige, nobility obliges, and like hell the wouldn't follow its call. Sequel to "Noblesse Oblige".

  • The Spring In Your Step

    The whole thing started completely innocently, as far as Joker had been concerned. All he said was: "Commander, have you hurt your leg on the last mission?"

  • Honey and Milk

    A fic where fem!Bilbo ends with someone who is not part of the company. Kink meme fill. Genderswap.

  • Pie and Quill

    Ori knew that his only task is to get married to the person they picked for him, as he was the only one available - with the much needed drop of royal blood while not beeing close enough to the monarchs to be considered one of them. But this... this was unexpected. He was marrying a woman. Fem!Bilbo/Ori.

  • Of Tables That Turn

    During their Wandering Days, hobbits are turned away from the gates of Erebor for being "weak and pathetic", continuing their Walk until they reached the Shire. Now the dwarves are searching for a new home, as the Lonely Mountain had been taken by Smaug. How do the tables turn... Kink meme fill.

  • Where You Go, I Go

    Bilbo has a friend, hobbit girl (in this case named Viola Whitfoot), who refuses to let Bilbo leave the Shire on his own in company of 13 strange dwarves and a wizard, no matter what they tell her. She's used to dealing with strangers, after all, after years working at the inn. Friends do not leave each other in time of need. With romance in later chapters.

  • Here There Be Violin

    Seven days, seven prompts, seven chapters, one pairing. Story of arranged marriage between Viola Whitfoot and Dwalin, son of Fundin, the way their relationship develops all the way from the Shire to Erebor that never fell to Smaug.

  • Get Your Hands Off My Nephew!

    This certainly wasn't how Fili wanted to wake up after the first night he got to spend with Bella, after all those months of pining, wasted chances and too close brushes with death, many of those happening because of his uncle Thorin. He loved his uncle, but Mahal's Forge, could that man keep his voice down for at least five seconds?