
  • The new girl

    Jasmine is the new girl, the gang wants her in the group no matter what it takes, specially Logan cause he likes her. But he isn't the only one. Are they going to be together in the end? ( Co-written with AwEsOmEsToRyPeRsOn! )

  • The boyfriend tag

    This is how I picture Jasmine and Logan doing the boyfriend tag.

  • Not that bad at all

    Jasmine doesn't like Logan at all, but then they get paired up for a project. Maybe he isn't that bad at all.. #JarrrettvsJogan.

  • Erica&Isaac Good to be back

    Erica comes back after she moved away two years ago, she's scared to see Isaac again cause they left kinda awkwardly. How will their first meeting go? With: Erisaac, Jydia and Sterek. [ Mention of Scallison ] ONE-SHOT

  • The popular and the geek

    Liv Cameron is the most popular girl in school. Joey Rooney is the biggest geek in school. They are paired up for an assignment. How will this turn out? (Liv x Joey) (Alternate universe)

  • I didn't do it! He did

    Logan and Lindy aren't related but Jasmine and Lindy are. Lindy is the popular sister and Jasmine is the shy sister. They both have a crush on Logan, who has no clue about Jasmine's feelings but he'd like to get to know her better, but Lindy doesn't want that at all. What's going to happen?

  • Just tell me that you love me

    Logan is into Jasmine and Jasmine is into Logan but, they don't know it from each other yet! And what happends when Jasmine comes into Rumble Juice with.. Tom? Read to find out!

  • My lovestory from Marcus 2

    This story happends 25 years after the complicated love triangle, Bree and Marcus are married and have kids, Chase becomes a father and Leo has his own problems. How is this going to turn out?