Mirrored Illusions

  • Bambi

    Daryl tries to teach Buffy how to hunt for her own dinner.

  • A Cascade of Echoes

    In which Buffy shouldn't be the one explaining things.

  • Redirected

    In which there's an ugly demon, a purple portal, Buffy, and a frowny-faced SG-1.

  • Inquisition

    Vampires, witches, Slayers, and what goes bump in the night have been exposed to the public. The vampires have become media darlings while Slayers are being painted as evil. After four years of being hunted by law enforcement, Buffy has allowed herself to be captured. Major AU.

  • Change of Plans

    Calling all the Potentials was supposed to make things better, instead it got them all killed. And to restore the balance she tipped over she has to move to another dimension. Buffy/Ronon.

  • Rewind For Victory

    Hadrian Potter travels back in time in an attempt to save his parents lives, give his younger self a happy childhood, and make the British Magical World a better place for everyone.

  • Another Day in Paradise

    Harry dies for the 12th time and is sent to the Afterlife Waystation where he meets his Grim Reaper, Prue Halliwell. Later, she returns him to his younger self so he can try and fix what Dumbledore broke.

  • You Kinda Get Me Go Crazy

    Date night with Harry and Hermione.

  • Black Cat Across the Road

    Harry Potter thinks back on his life on the day he celebrated his first centennial, and the morning after he wakes up inside the Cupboard Under the Stairs. After finding a newspaper he realizes he has several years to plan his revenge on the Wizarding World, and also to get the education he was denied the first time around.