Tiny Teacup

  • He's My Brother

    Wrote this for the AU Extravaganza challenge over at omniocular. What if Draco Malfoy had a twin sister who just happened to be in Gryffindor? Reality may change, but Draco stays the same. I promise, I tried to keep her as UnMarySue as possible. Genfic

  • Chloe Potter, the Beginning of a Witch

    AU. What if James and Lily Potter had had a daughter instead of a son, and what if Petunia Dursley had some long kept secrets? Join a young Chloe Potter as she starts a new life full of Magic.

  • Fairy's Wings

    Harry thinks about his budding relationship with Colin, about how he feels and what other people might think when they find out. Comes after "Home is Where You Are." Slash.

  • Home is Where You Are

    Harry sneaks out late one night, not knowing what will happen during his midnight adventure. He ends up seeing a fellow Hogwarts student in a whole new light. Slash. This story was written before Half-Blood Prince came out.

  • Ron Weasley and the Secret Within

    Some Ron/Oliver slash. Complete and utter fluff.