Kaen Okami

  • Oblivion

    When her attack on Shibusen fails, Shaula is able to fake her death and escape Death City, but she still can't escape her fate. Rated for violence and character death.

  • Blood of the Dragon

    For the mind and spirit to be truly healed, they must be cleansed of rage and hatred, so they are free to reach their true potential. To that end, Zuko decides that it's time his sister learned the true meaning of firebending.

  • The Once and Future King

    For eighteen years, Prince Aziru, son of Azula, is raised to feel nothing but burning hatred for his family of traitors, and to win back his mother's throne and his own birthright at any cost. He is trained to fight for the day he dethrones Fire Lord Zuko - the day he kills his father. Contains ZUCEST.

  • Tales From The Dragons' Den

    "The prince's tale is not the only one that matters. Everyone has their own stories to tell." Oneshots set in the Once And Future King universe. Updates will be irregular.

  • The Brothers Day and Night

    A sick Mariam asks her big brother to tell her a story. After a moment of thought, Kassim decides to tell the one he knows best. "Once upon a time, the gods of the sky and earth had two sons. Brothers. The younger brother's name was Day, and the older brother's name was Night. They were born the same way, in the same place, but they were different. Very...very different."

  • It's Always Something

    Post-series. In lieu of trying to kill each other, Zuko and Azula have taken up a new hobby. And it's driving Mai absolutely crazy.

  • The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

    To put it lightly, Stein and Marie's baby son is having a rough night. Maybe a mother's lullaby can comfort him.

  • Tales From The Snakes' Nest

    "In a house with a witch, three shinobi, and a meister-weapon team, life isn't exactly good, but no one can say it's ever dull." Oneshots set in the He'll Never Be My Son universe. Updates will be irregular.

  • Mad Love

    There was not a moment in their lives that they were not side by side, one way or the other. 50 Sentences, Asura/Vajra.

  • My Child

    For decades, Levi has been hounded by a demon, and for all that time he has been able to resist giving in to his enticing words and selling away his soul. But now Levi is forced to make the most painful choice of his life - lose his soul, or lose his own child? RivaMika.