
  • Over Six Sessions of IO

    Twelve nano intimate encounters filled with random headcanon bits of the Lora's Grid series. These feature few chosen elements from Legacy and 2.0 (D/s and fluff)

  • Du Feu sur la Montagne

    Il est levé, le feu, le Feu de la Montagne! Scene figée. L'horreur, d'abord. Puis les étapes vers la résignation. Parce que I see fire à cause d'Ed Sheeran.

  • Excuse me, Hero

    The arms of her Chosen One were comfortable enough, but it did not mean she was not allowed to be snotty from time to time. Without effort, she could find a thousand reasons to complain about her situation. But it also took him one touch to scatter her protests. [snotty!Hylia/Zelda x Link] Sligh crackfic... If that's how you consider it.