

  • Hello My Old Heart

    In the alternate reality where Anthony Stark is Antonia Stark, Steve Rogers finds himself loving her. What started with a harmless date to Toni's favorite place turned into more. So much more. And without Nat it wouldn't have happened at all really. Following the lives of two Avengers as they grow closer together alongside their constant companions. Please R&R!

  • 3490 meet 199999

    "Tony kneeled down by Fury and fumbled behind himself to grab a stick. Before Fury could stop him he poked the cube and the whole reality around them flickered. When Tony opened his eyes they were definitely not at the streets outside the Avengers Tower." Cosmic Cubes? Alternate Universes? Yes. The Avengers are soooooo screwed. T for language

  • The First Avengers

    When Toni Stark chooses Steve Rogers as the subject for her father's Operation: Rebirth, her once simple life is thrown into a violent, exciting war. She and Pepper Potts must now weave their lives into a overseas military camp and Toni finds herself desperately wanting to leave her mark. With Steve, can she? Fem!Tony, T for language, 40s AU w/ Bucky


    My first bucky fic folowing the Winter Soldier in his lifespan. It's really short but it's my first non fluff centralized fic and my first one not featuring lots of crack. So tada!

  • Meet Cute

    When Toni Stark and Steve Rogers switch luggage by accident a series of events unfold leading them to encounter each other. In the AU where neither is a superhero but both fight the daily fight of life they meet, unintentionally, and shenanigans ensue. What shenanigans? Just read to find out! Fem!Toni and Steve Rogers. Please R&R!

  • Google Translate Stories

    This is what happens when you send snippets of books through several layers of Google Translate. Rather serious scenes are reduced to indiscernible snippets of gibberish. ENJOY! (Also read our other fanfic Daily Chores)

  • Daily Chores

    Whether it's Malec, Clace or Sizzy, doesn't matter because we can write it! In this series of one-shots our favorite ships do basic chores like grocery shopping or breakfast making! Please READ AND REVIEW guys, my friend and I are cowriting these! We hope you enjoy! K for some language, may go down or up- unsure to that as of right now