
  • Resistance

    Two wolves have found love in one another but due to conflicts they can only express it outside their home packs borders. Times are hard and it's only a matter of time until the pack grows suspicious of what's going on behind their backs. Will the relationship stay strong or will it only end in tragedy?

  • Sometime Around Midnight

    Life as a lone wolf isn't what it was all cut out to be for Humphrey. Battered, bruised, and hungry, after months of failure at hunting he reaches his breaking point. Never has he felt so low, the end seems near and he must choose the next move. Struggle on, or become free of it all?

  • One Night Only

    After deciding to stay in Jasper, Humphrey prepares to start his life a new with help from his friends. However it's early summer and there's one thing he has overlooked, one that will lead to unintentional desires and regrets.

  • ChriZ's Review of Alpha and Omega 4

    A rather lengthy review of the third sequel to Alpha and Omega, one that really came out as a surprise. *Spoiler Alert*

  • Family Howl

    Kate and Humphrey decide its time they teach their pups how to howl from the heart.

  • Changes

    Kate made it back to Jasper in time to stop the packs from starting a war, which is what she wanted the most. Now she's set on marring Garth and uniting the packs to keep the peace. All should be well but there's one thing that she just can't get her mind off of...

  • These Are The Lies

    After hopping on another train to runaway from Kate and his emotions, Humphrey debates about how to coupe with the saddens within himself. *Short Story* Inspired by a song.

  • Naming The Pups

    What I think happened when Kate and Humphrey named their three new pups. *Short Story*

  • Couples Retreat

    Valentines Day story! After starting a family Kate and Humphrey could use some time together again after devoting all of it to their pups. They don't mind not having alone time anymore but as the winter comes to a close aunt Lilly steps in and decides that they need a break from the pups for one night. *Short Story*