

  • Accidental Relocation

    So it turned out that Doc Ock was craftier then he thought. Now Peter had a whole pile of new problems to deal with starting with the Avengers. Slash.

  • Hell?

    Crowley has a new pet; now he just has to train him.

  • The Kidnapped Pharaoh

    Atem went to sleep and woke up to the best massage he had ever had.

  • The Warmth of a Kiss

    Mistletoe, hot chocolate, and a horny reaper make for an interesting experience.

  • Memories of Love

    Memories can be very powerful things.

  • Bloody Prophecies

    Spike should be used to this by now. Prophecies never turn out the way he expects them too.

  • Paradise

    The almost perfect life.

  • Lascivious Frost

    Being a horny teenager for three hundred years sucks.

  • Crimson Dissolution

    How does a family cope when something they always took for granted is taken from them?