
  • RWBY's Friendly Neighborhood Spider

    Transported and wounded, Spider-Man must find a way back to his universe as he lives in the universe he's currently. Lucky for him, a headmaster and four certain girls are willing to help him but also, help him learn to adapt to their universe. Rated T for language.

  • Conduit Und Panzer

    Mark Mitchell was one of the few conduits that survived the RFI Cole MacGrath fired off. Five years later living in Japan, his father decided to transfer his son to a school at sea. Living both as a Conduit and a normal teenager with the D.U.P. searching for him isn't as easy. Maybe going to a school ship is his chance to be normal. (Check profile, important message)

  • The Spider of the Sailor Soldiers

    It's been nine months since Peter Parker lost his uncle and became Spider-Man. Life has been tough, dealing with bills, caring for his weak and elderly aunt, and stopping crime. But when Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, assigns Spider-Man to Tokyo, Japan, he meets the Sailor Solders, changing not only his world but also theirs. (Check profile, important message)