
  • Double Cross

    In an effort to figure out where her husband spends his days, Narcissa curses Lucius to tell the truth for 24 hours. post-war, one shot.

  • Miniature Minister

    Percy's first visit to the Ministry as a child takes a few unexpected turns. one shot.

  • Women's Intuition

    Percy has a rough day when an exploding cauldron turns him and the twins into women. genderbent!AU, possible two-shot.

  • Wee Witches

    A collection of one shots and drabbles about the women of Harry Potter, before their Hogwarts days. fluffy kid!fics galore!

  • Feeling Alive

    After a rough break-up, Roxanne gives in to what people perceive her to be. one shot.

  • Another Day in Hogsmeade

    Pranking ensues when Sirius finds Snape and Narcissa on a date. one shot.

  • In Hiding

    When Narcissa and Draco's lives are in danger, they're sent to stay with the only auror available to help them: Harry Potter. one shot. slash.

  • Teach Me

    Sirius realizes he has a lot to learn after it's determined he's a squib. planned multi-chap.

  • Being Neighborly

    All Percy wanted was a peaceful summer holiday - noisy neighbors not included. No Magic!AU, one shot. slash.

  • Slipped Away

    Rose's premonitions aren't always a good thing. Sometimes they lead to the worst place imaginable. one shot.

  • Money Can't Buy

    Tom never understood friendship until Hagrid came along. drabble.

  • On the Job

    Bill's first assignment in Egypt wasn't what he expected it to be. one shot.

  • Pacing

    "Dumbledore pacing in his office." "He does that a lot." - mid-PoA, Albus' thoughts on the dangers of having Harry Potter as a student.

  • Lycanthrope

    When James is too late to stop Severus from following Remus into the shack, their lives are forever changed. Werewolf!AU, planned multi-chap.

  • No Time For Later

    Remus is a little hesitant of Sirius' plans for their future. one shot.

  • Stubborn

    Lily and James were always too stubborn for their own good. one shot.

  • No Laughing Matter

    Failing an exam brings some uncomfortable feelings to the surface for Fred. one shot.

  • Heartbreaker

    Charlie's always been unlucky where his love life is concerned.

  • Important

    Aberforth and Ariana were outcasts to everyone but each other. one shot.

  • Change For the Better

    Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson face the prospect of having to work together. one shot.