
  • Something There

    While anonymously writing to each other, Sirius Black and Severus Snape find that they may have more in common than they thought. But what will happen when they find out who they've been writing to? NOT slash. Written for xxGrimxLullaby's birthday.

  • Against All Odds

    Rose isn't looking forward to the Christmas holidays this year. It'll be the longest time she'll have to go without seeing her boyfriend. She plans to change that. Written for two challenges in the HPFC. One-Shot.

  • Tragedy In Waiting

    The thirty most important moments in Bellatrix's life, from birth to death and after. Written for the 30 Drabbles in 30 Days challenge in the HP Fanfiction Challenges forum.

  • Last Father's Day

    Father's Day of 1990, Tobias Snape sits alone and thinks back to the actions that led to the loss of his family. One-Shot. Written for the Father's Day 2010 challenge in the HP Fanfiction Challenges forum.

  • Thirty Years

    It's Draco's thirtieth birthday and he's thinking back to his eighteenth, when everything changed for him. Post-DH One-Shot. Written for the Birthday Challenge in the HP Fanfiction Challenges forum. Happy Birthday, Draco!

  • Always a Woman

    The history of Argus Filch and Mrs. Norris' relationship. One-shot, Songfic to Billy Joel's "She's Always a Woman" Written for the Always a Woman to Me Challenge & Pets Challenge in the HP Fanfiction Challenges forum.

  • A Thousand Winds

    Drabble. Harry attends Colin Creevey's funeral. Written for Namacub95's Choose a Quote Challenge in the HP Fanfiction Challenges forum

  • Painter's Nightmare

    Drabble. Lily and James are trying to decide what to paint the nursery, and Sirius is giving them his unwanted opinion. Written for the Crayola Colors Challenge in the HP Fanfiction Challenges forum.

  • Confessions of a Chocoholic

    OneShot. Young Rosmerta Callaway pays a visit to Azkaban and meets a very old man imprisoned there. Written for the Harry Potter Roulette Challenge on the HP Fanfiction Challenges forum.

  • The Third

    Four-year-old Sirius Black has to endure a family get-together that leads to his learning about his namesakes. Written for the Black Family Challenge.

  • Some Things Never Change

    Sequel to Five Months. Alroy Potter is turning eleven and we all know what that means! Join him, cousins, and friends at Hogwarts where they will encounter bad professors, evil students, and cryptic ghosts.

  • Whose Idea Was This Anyway? 2

    The long awaited sequel to the Whose Line Is It Anyway?: /British version\ knock-off. This time, featuring a new cast and tv quotes! Revised December 7th, 2008.

  • A Christmas to Remember

    OneShot. Sequel to The Long Wait. It's been over a year since Draco Malfoy was sent to Azkaban. Now the Potters and Weasleys are ready to forget their problems and sit down for a nice and quiet Christmas at the Burrow. Yeah right.

  • Whose Idea Was This Anyway?

    OneShot. Lily, James, Sirius and Severus appear on Clive Anderson's version of the comedy show Whose Line Is It Anyway? Warning: this story contains lots of laughing and evil glaring.

  • The Long Wait

    Revised again Dec/10th/2009. Complete. PostHBP. Five years after the second war ended Harry was called away on business, Ginny was left alone with a baby and someone wanted revenge. Eight years have passed. Is it too late to get Ginny back?

  • Procrastinated Love

    Set during OotP with HBP spoilers. Oneshot. Tonks has just joined the Order of the Phoenix and meets a guy she really likes, the question is, does he like her too? And what will she do about her feelings?