

  • Let Others Wage War

    Reno wanted to live forever, but ShinRa was trying to kill him. In fact, he was pretty sure everyone was trying to kill him. His ex-partner knew the feeling. FFVII/Catch-22 crossover. Oneshot.

  • But Sire

    The knights and guards of Camelot are really bad at their jobs. Rated for language. Crack!fic. Oneshot.

  • Awkward Love

    "But this is for you," Shino says, extending the flower to her again. She can't say that she was expecting that. Shino's astonishing crush. Oneshot.

  • The Name of the Game

    "But you left me for DEAD!" The twins and their online gaming adventure during a rainy weekend. You know you want to read it. Crack!fic. Oneshot.

  • The Curse of Being Uchiha

    Itachi knows that his end is coming, but Sasuke has yet to make a move. Getting desperate, he kidnaps all of Sasuke's suspected love interests, hoping at least one is worth saving to Sasuke. His plan, of course, backfires. Crack!fic. Rated for innuendo. Oneshot.

  • Tan Lines

    Tidus has some pretty strange tan lines. Lulu's POV. Implied Tidus/Yuna and implied Wakka/Lulu. Crack!fic. Oneshot.

  • For Your Eyes Only

    At this time of night, only L watches the Yagami family. Bom chika wow…? L/Sayu? (Please don't kill me.) Rated for crazy and language. Oneshot.

  • Crackers

    Only someone completely insane would stand muttering on a field of battle. Ergo, Merlin was completely insane. Reveal fic. Oneshot.

  • Abundant Caution Does No Harm

    Mat pinches the wrong girl in Tear. Oh boy. TSR. Oneshot.

  • Six Feet Under

    Draco contemplates the meaning of the word 'family,' though he really should have gotten it out of the way before this whole mess started. Especially now that his aunt was blowing up things like it was her job. HBP end. Rated for language. Oneshot.

  • Hard Candy

    He makes a vicious mental note to bite Ron's finger later. Peter Pettigrew's (a.k.a. Wormtail's, a.k.a. Scabbers') POV. Third year. Oneshot.

  • The Simple Need to Talk

    Each day that passed brought Harry a new challenge, but it also brought him further and further from the war. Post-War Drabble. Rated for language. Title from O'Brien's The Things They Carried. ::100 Times Challenge:: WIP.

  • Which

    "Look... at... me..." he whispered. Snape's POV at the end of DH, you know the part. Rated for gore and dark themes. Obviously spoilers for DH. Oneshot.

  • I Leave You

    Post DH, so SPOILERS! Harry, Ron and Hermione get a little visit from the new Minister of Magic and receive their rather surprising inheritances. Rated for brief language. Oneshot. Further summary inside.

  • From, Draco Malfoy

    A letter from Draco Malfoy addressed to his fan girls. If you love Draco, this is meant for you to read!

  • This Thing of Ours

    The Dark Lord has a vendetta against Harry Potter, and step one of his plan involves a new prospect — Draco Malfoy. Warning: Death Eater mafia. Between OotP and HBP. Crack!fic. Oneshot.

  • Portugal

    Fred and George discover something as shocking as Portugal! Implied RWHG. Oneshot. ::The Parts of Speech Challenge::

  • Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At Hogwarts

    A collection of flash fiction through Harry's years at Hogwarts featuring a troublesome new character. Inspired by the series of icons with a few of my own. Rated for innuendo and language. ::The Things I am not Allowed to do at Hogwarts Challenge:: WIP.

  • Monster

    "mon'ster (mαn'stər) n. 1, a fantastical half-human animal. 2, an abnormally malformed animal or plant. 3, a morally deformed person." He picked up his pencil and added: "4, Draco Malfoy." Rated T for language and adult themes. Further summary inside.

  • Peter Pan Syndrome

    "All children, except one, grow up." She was always running away. AR War. Rated for adult themes and brief language.