

  • Branded

    Scorpius asks his father about the mark on his arm. Minor adult themes. Oneshot.

  • Wizard DATAmatch

    (or In Which Hermione Granger Completely Loses It.) This is not a love story. Not in the slightest. It is, in fact, a hate story, for you see, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy hated each other very much. Implied Dramione. Rated for language. Further summary inside.

  • Anything But That

    Draco's planning something big. Something daring. Something that will require a lot of alcohol. Post-Hogwarts, ignores epilogue. DM/HG, BZ/GW. Oneshot. ::Overheard in Hogwarts Challenge::

  • A Dangerous Game

    Bain and Chiad ask Gaul to play Maidens' Kiss. Things inevitably go too far. Gaul/Chiad. TSR. Oneshot.

  • Static

    Friction can result in an imbalance of electrons, charging the two surfaces. This potential energy is known as static electricity. It will remain dormant until it either dispels over time or finds an outlet to immediately discharge. Dramione. AU Post-Hogwarts. Oneshot.

  • Uncle Reno

    He, frankly, was impressed that she could even keep her eyes open this late, much less draw a picture. Reno and Marlene. Implied ReTi. Inspired by 's Tis the Season. Oneshot.

  • Forever Hold Your Peace

    "Fight for those you love. Even if you can't say those words. You must fight." Severus and Draco. Unrequited Severus/Lily. Sixth year. Rated for adult themes. Oneshot.

  • No Man

    When he brought Cedric's prone body back, no one could pretend anymore. Fourth year. Ten drabbles and a one-shot. Inspired by John Donne. Rated for language and adult themes. ::Ten to One Challenge::

  • Ubi Sunt

    Draco Malfoy, twenty-three, is finally confronting the ghosts of his past. Literally. AR Post-Hogwarts. Rated for gore and language. Oneshot.

  • Ron Goes Exploring

    Ron woke up rather early that day, so he decided to see what was in Hermione's . . . teh . . . lee . . . vay . . . zhun. Tehleevayzhun. Hm. Implied RWHG. Oneshot. ::Muggle Artifacts Challenge::

  • Scanties

    Scanties, knickers, alans, whatever you wanted to call them, a dare is a dare — and Draco Malfoy had to get Grangers before the week was out. Fourth year. Rated for teenage antics. Dramione. Oneshot.

  • The Danger of Love

    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single wizard in possession of a large fortune, must be in want of a wife. Dramione. Based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Rated for language. Further summary inside.

  • Cupid Lied

    Love isn't bliss. It's not magical, warm, or familiar. Love is a bludger to the temple, a Cruciatus, a dragon ripping your heart to bits until it's nothing but a stain on the floor. So no, Draco wasn't enjoying it, thank you. DMHG unrequited. Oneshot.

  • Before the Fall

    Draco hadn't meant for it to happen that way. He never really meant for anything to happen, not to anyone. AR seventh year. Major character death. Rated for language. Oneshot.

  • A Blank Canvas

    'No, not a new beginning,' he thought as he placed a blank canvas on the easel. 'Just an old one.' Harry tries his hand at resurrection. First year. Oneshot.

  • Lunacy

    Dennis couldn't tell whether it was the full moon or her charm, but before he knew it, he'd gotten himself neck-deep in trouble. Dennis Creevey/Gabrielle Delacour. Rated for innuendo. Oneshot. ::Rare Pairings Challenge::

  • Be Ambitious

    Bellatrix had always felt alone until she found her vocation. Rated for adult themes. Oneshot. ::The "Misunderstood" Challenge::

  • All That's Bottled Up Inside

    Love had always eluded her. That was why, deep down inside, Merope knew it was too good to last. Tom Sr./Merope unrequited. Rated for graphic adult themes. Further summary inside. ::The Five Chapters Challenge::

  • Why Fairy Tales Never Come True

    “He would never forget the smell of flowers.” George remembers the day he attended his first wake, and why ‘happily ever after’ is a fantasy after all. Rated for adult themes. Oneshot. ::First Memory Challenge:: ::Just Dialogue/Description Challenge::

  • A Holiday

    It's just another weekend holiday at Hogwarts... except that things are getting a little interesting. Rated for innuendo. Implied RWHG. Kind of a crazy story. Oneshot. Further summary inside.