
shadow wolf6

  • On The Streets

    Story about Phoebe living on the streets where she meets one member of the friends gang, she befriends them and teaches them to live on the street.

  • No ones watching, their all grieving

    This is set right after 5x22 season finale. Everyone is grieving so no one teaches Alaric how not to kill people and to keep control.

  • Peacock

    The friends take ben to the zoo and we find out how chandler got bit by the peacock. All characters invloved

  • New World

    Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn are taken into another dimension where they are now the Champions for The Powers That Be. Xander and Tara from Buffy are included.

  • Vampires

    The friends are all turned into vampires thanks to a stranger but one of them turns evil, can the others save their friend before its too late? Don't worry my writing does gets better after the first few chapters

  • Panic

    This is what Chandler thought inbetween the return home with the others and going to his office before his wedding to Monica. Little bit of angst, I think, maybe be a little sad

  • Hiccups

    Just some fun with the Friends gang and hiccups, little bit of Mondler included. Main focus is Chandler but all character included.

  • The Band

    Chandler started a band called No Way in high school. When he joins college the rest of the gang will join him and will be on there way to becoming famous. Mondler will be included later in the story

  • Ghost

    The friends go on holiday to a haunted house in england. Includes all characters

  • Sticks and Stones

    This is about the saying sticks and stones may break my bones. It's done in Chandler's point of view, might be sad