

  • They Say That Love Often Passes In A Second

    Maeve has found out about the voicemail. Spoilerish for Season 3 pre-release content.

  • He Looked So Sad, She Was Just Afraid

    AU. 4x19. Beckett says those fateful words and Castle hears. A different response.

  • I Didn't Say It Was A Date

    AU Season 1: He's been following Beckett for a month and now Castle is going to tell her the one thing guaranteed to make her happy. But will it? (Rated M for Chapters 20 & 21)

  • The Price Others Pay

    AU 1x06. Kate Beckett: "You're not going to get shot and you know why? Because you are going nowhere near the gunfire." DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything from the TV series CASTLE