

  • It's (not) a thing

    She slightly shook her head no. They were partners. No way this would work out. She was way too messed up to do this whole relationship thing. [Linstead] (my first fanfic, terrible summary, give it a try)

  • Broken Road

    I want to get up to get a glass of water, when I hear a soft groan next to me. That I don't remember. Just like in all the movies, I lift up my sheets a little bit to reveal what's underneath. Or what isn't. Yeah, something went down last night. / What a night at Molly's can end in. Different version of the finale ending.

  • Fifteen

    Once again, Jay finds himself drinking at the bar. But this time someone's there to listen...so will he talk? (I still suck at summaries, give it a try!) Lindstead

  • One Day

    Alternate Ending for 1x06. I mean, she clearly expected someone else, right? I still write terrible summaries, so just give it a chance. Lindstead One-Shot.