
  • Paradise

    Sometimes when I close my eyes I can see that island, which all the others who were there, see as hell. For me it was like a dream come true. One-shot, Roger's POV.

  • Selviydy

    Battle Royale. Tapa kaikki muut, jää henkiin, voita, pääse pois, selviydy. En voi ideasta ottaa itselleni kunniaa, koska en sitä omista. Battle Royale on keksitty ennen minua, vaikka hahmot omistankin.

  • The Hawk Vision

    It provided him an incredibly wide field of vision, and allowed him to easily spot enemies among friends and the innocents. It had proved very helpful. But he was even better. Some Assassin's Creed -styled stuff here with no actual plot (at least yet). M for safety.