Fortune Maiden

  • Warriors Stories Plus

    Tales of valor, friendship, honor, love, and all around fun told in bite-sized 100-word stories.

  • Wisteria

    "I've decided to use this as my family crest. You…can use it too, if you'd like."

  • Shieikan Memories

    Chores, sisters, swords, friendships. 100-word drabbles set during the days of Shieikan... Chapter II: Nightlife, Colds, Rituals, Encounters. Eight More Drabbles of Shieikan Memories...

  • This Way Down

    Xigbar and Zexion conduct an experiment. Pity the Organization.

  • Preparations

    The keyblade wielders aren't the only ones who have their work cut out for them. Now where had they put the spare coats?

  • Major Defense

    Tasked with defending a very important intelligence officer from assassins, Garuru is determined to see this mission through to the end… provided he doesn't kill his charge first.

  • The Crane

    Searching for mysterious cranes in the middle of the night wasn't Hanbei's idea of a good time, but with an impulsive young Lord, he didn't really have much of a choice. He could only hope it wouldn't take all night...

  • The Marriage Plot

    After dealing with one too many pranks against an increasingly paranoid Lord Tatsuoki, the Saito Retainers decide that Hanbei needs something more important to focus his attention on when not on the battlefield: A Wife. There is no possible way this can backfire...

  • The Runaround

    "Of all the idiotic, dangerous…What were you boys thinking?" In our—mine and Mitsunari's that is, defense, we did try to stop it. But at that point things had already been out of our control. Hmm, perhaps we were lucky that Lady Nene caught us when she did. And that the gaping hole in the roof was the only damage done in the end...

  • Ask A Stupid Question

    Get a stupid answer. One summer day, Shintaro helps Momo with her homework. For Kiki's Otsukimi Recital.

  • According To Plan

    For the 2014 Short Story Speedwriting Challenge. After an evening of waiting and setting up contingency plans over a pot of coffee, Hogan receives a very interesting mission report…

  • Stalling Inevitables

    Dear Lord Kanbei...

  • Lucky Find

    Once, Lord Nobunaga summoned three of us pages...

  • The Understanding

    Souji makes a frightening discovery, Saitou meets a powerful rival, and Hijikata just wants his book back.