Helen Palsgraf

  • Fighting for the Future

    What if Morgana's prophetic dreams had been much more useful, particularly early on? If she'd gotten enough spoilers (say, by viewing Seasons 2-5 in her dreams), could she have prevented her tragic future? Yet another redemption fic for Morgana, who deserves it.

  • Reaching One Lonely Night

    A two-chapter on-canon fic exploring the Mulder/Scully relationship, leading up to that "one lonely night" where Scully invited Mulder into her bed.

  • Opposite Directions

    A parallel story to "New Directions" (a Veronica/Logan fic), "Opposite Directions" follows Mac and Dick from the end of Season 3, to post-Thousand Dollar Tan Line. Mostly canon-compliant. (Since there's new canon, "New Directions" will eventually finish, and the stories will coincide.)