Daedalus Plum

  • In Muggle World

    What if Harry made friends with someone in the muggle world? When a girl named Gillian gets caught up in Harry's world of magic, Harry gets a link to the muggle world that will prove invaluable. Warning: OC

  • Harry Potter: The Slytherin Boy

    Harry Potter is The Boy Who Lived...the one who defeated the Dark Lord...who restored hope to humanity years ago...the son of a Muggle-born...and in Slytherin House.

  • Exhaling Love Taps

    Stories that haven't happened and can't be told...Warnings: Drug use, slash none of it's squicky...

  • The Thousandth Hour of the Wax Display

    This does have slash implications. This is a ficlet about what happens when love DOESN'T die, but people begin to.

  • Gone

    Her beloved is dying miles away, and Hermione can not reach her, but can only wait for Death to finish its job. This is a slash ficlet containing a character death.

  • A Lover's Song

    Slash. Parvati only ever shares tender moments with Lavender when she is asleep. The love and affection of their relationship is revealed in this fanfic.

  • Revelations during Detention: Truth or Dare

    This is somewhat slashy. There is gay romance, as well as sexual language and inuendo. The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Draco have detention together, and truths come out. Unbelievably orinigal, no?

  • I'm Leaving

    This is a song I wrote. I guess it applies to Harry. Try thinking of him when you read it.

  • A Brief Goodbye

    Harry Potter leaves the world to its Fate without him. His goodbye letter speech.