
  • The Visit

    Voldemort makes an offer to the wizarding world: 1,000,000 galleons for everyone in Britian in exchange for Harry's life. REVIEWS: 'an incredibly well written and depressing story' 'It's kept on the edge of my seat' 'skilfully written, absolutely chilling

  • A Matter of Time

    A woman from Harry's future is pulled into the past, into the time of Voldemort's father. She knows what lies ahead for the wizarding world, but gets caught up in her own fantasy life. Written preHBP

  • Tyler Ridge and the Mystery of Werdwall

    The goings on of the magical world in Europe are well documented in Harry Potter, but what about in America? An entirely different tradition and history meets Tyler Ridge, a young, soon to-be wizard with a hidden gift.

  • Memory Lost

    Hermione wakes, unable to remember her fifth year at Hogwarts. Harry is dead and she is wrongfully accused of murdering him. REVIEWS: 'It isn't your ordinary Harry Potter fic' 'Awesome writing and an incredibly awesome plot'

  • Harry Potter and Phrustrating PhanPhiction

    Kidnap, torture, rape, savage abuse, intense misery, slash, high-terror, low-terror, death, suicide, self-decapitation, homicide, manslaughter, second degree murder, third degree murder, third degree burns

  • Fantasy Tonic, A Hogwarts Fairy Tale

    Reviews: 'Original and amusing to read.' 'Beautiful work' 'This is absolutely hilarous' 'Interesting imagination you got there' 'This story had me cracking up' 'I loved the ending, just loved it'

  • On My Own

    The war against Voldemort is waging, but there is also one in the heart of Ginny Weasley. Harry loves someone else, but how will he react when Ginny is mortally wounded in the war? A songfic - Les Miserables lyrics. A Finished Story

  • The Final Night

    James and Lily get into a terrible fight, causing James to storm away from his house and face his past. He may not want to be a father, but the memory of his own father gives him inspiration. (One Shot - Rewritten - Finished)

  • Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Creeps

    The summer before Harry's 5th year, he discovers many unusual things causing a disturbance in the Dark Lord's plans, making himself a target once more. With the help of Mrs. Figg, can Harry escape again? (Fic written pre OotP) A Finished Story

  • A Life Worth Living

    Herm POV Follow Hermione on her journey to Hogwarts, leaving her family, and enduring the pain of being rejected. Was Hogwarts the best choice for her, or would she have been better off not being a witch?