
  • I Am Not There

    Xander and Buffy are about to wed, only to discover a very big problem concerning this. Presented with fulsome thanks to Greywizard for permission to use his 'Prophecies? We Don't Need No Stinking Prophecies' as an inspiration.

  • Enough, Already!

    Whatever might be thought by those who don't have it, omniscience isn't really all that great…

  • Road Trip!

    The last few years in Sunnydale made Xander Harris well aware that the entire universe is out to get him. He doesn't need any more subtle hints, like...say...his car catching on fire.

  • Back Again? Siriusly?

    The concept of the 'do-over' is used in, at the very least, hundreds of Harry Potter stories. Here's my own take, using a HP character that actually has a good reason for getting another chance to make things better.

  • Draco's Triumph

    Starting from his first year at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy managed to successfully carry out only two specific accomplishments ever in all his various schemes, plots, and machinations. The Golden Trio are having trouble believing what Draco's up to now.

  • Watch What You Say

    Hermione has had enough. More than enough. Light years beyond enough. Don't ever make a very intelligent witch furious and not expect her to retaliate as nastily as possible with the most powerful magic closest at hand.

  • Wolf On The Fold

    About to die of old age and with nothing to lose, Xander utters the w-word and winds up as Batman's latest protégé. This Scooby definitely should've remembered some wish demons might be DCverse fans, too, along with having a really wicked sense of humor.

  • That '90s Show

    A mysterious one-eyed man finds himself working at a Wisconsin high school during the Carter years…

  • Second Thoughts

    Just why did Ethan Rayne cause Halloween chaos at Sunnydale in the first place? The usual reasons (worship Janus, torment his old friend Giles, enjoy the costumes' anarchy, etc.) don't seem very convincing. Maybe if he'd paused to think it over...

  • It's Always The Quiet Ones

    The latest juicy gossip around the New Council castle concerns Faith's new Slayer protégé which nobody's ever met. Of course, anyone there could just ask her what that's all about, if their lives weren't already suicidal enough.

  • Humph Yourself!

    In his work as the New Council's wandering troubleshooter, Xander Harris has at times received much-appreciated assistance from various beings he met during the dangerous job of safeguarding the world from demons, but this is definitely a new one for him.

  • King Julien Is The Name, Lemur Lovin' Is My Game

    This is a sequel to my story 'Us Aptenodytes Forsteris' Work Is Never Done', where Buffy tries to persuade Willow of the truth concerning what went on at the Central Park Zoo last night. So, the next morning, they pay a visit there…

  • Parents Spoil All The Fun

    "Raising kids is part joy and part guerrilla warfare" - Ed Asner. Xander and Dawn have wed, settled in England while working for the New Council, produced a child, and now it's seventeen years later at a certain Scots magical castle.

  • Dumbledore Is An Idiot

    Alternative Potterverse drabble scenes when this Hogwarts Headmaster demonstrates (often very much to the cost of his health and/or dignity) that excessive lemon drop consumption obviously causes severe impairment to the higher brain functions.

  • Albus Potter: Nice Kid, Prospective Evil Overlord

    A review for my concluded drabble series 'Dumbledore Is An Idiot' promptly led to even more ultra-short AU crackfic in the wizarding world a generation after the Harry Potter novels, as presented here.

  • Albus Potter: Evil Overlording Again!

    Everyone's back after the winter hols, so it's time once more to begin plotting to take over the wizarding world, bring complete doom to the populace, and have a few good giggles along the way. All in 100 word drabbles, naturally.

  • Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

    "Oh the weather outside is frightful/But the fire is so delightful/And since we've no place to go…" That's exactly when it all went to hell at the Cleveland Slayers House this winter, in Faith's opinion.

  • All Due To A Little Girl's Favorite Book

    Walking towards his destination, Xander sourly thought to himself that this was just what he needed, a whole night of Buffy humming off-key to a complete musical score by some film dude named Coppola. The other one, that is.

  • Everyone I Went To High School With

    Most YAHF stories have to do with the costumes Ethan Rayne sold to unaware buyers who later that night changed into the characters represented by these outfits. Suppose there was something else which also became affected by the Chaos spell?

  • Here For A Long, Long Time

    With Gilligan, the Skipper too, the millionaire and his wife, the movie star, the professor and…