

  • Snapshot

    Sirius. Bellatrix. Those last moments in the Department of Mysteries. What were they really thinking? Two-shot.

  • In Which Marlene's Beauty Rest is Disturbed

    Marlene's view of the night Snape promised to spend in front of the Gryffindor portrait hole. Slight Snape/Lily.

  • What Could Have Been

    AU--Lily and James survive Halloween 1981. Starts out Lily/James, but really it's Lily/Sev. Fun parody in script form.

  • What It Means To Be A Black Take Two

    Andromeda. Narcissa. Bellatrix's grave. The Black sisters, together again. The road to redemption is rocky--can Andromeda forgive Narcissa? Should she?

  • Victoire Weasley and the Family Vacation Fiasco

    Victoire's having a rough day. Can she convince Dominique to stop torturing Lily? What's this about Roxy reinventing something called the Inner Net? And what is Teddy trying to tell her? Oneshot, Teddy/Victoire.

  • Evans the Mudblood

    Potter and the Mudblood?" sneer the Slytherins, but you've trained yourself not to wince. 7 parts: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, All of Slytherin House, Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Arabella Figg and Voldemort. Complete.

  • Quotes and Quips for All Occasions

    For the Hemingway Six Words Challenge. Starts with Teddy Lupin...

  • Five by Five

    A Next Gen tale: getting to know Rose, Scorpius, Al, a few OCs, the 'New' Hogwarts...they travel by train, get Sorted, maybe change a few things later on...

  • Breaking Free

    More Than Just A Beautiful Girl. Astoria makes an important choice, after being referred to as 'such a doll' and 'what a pretty girl' her whole life. Draco/Astoria, Astoria-centric.

  • Love, Lily

    Inspired by NotWhoYouThinkThisIs's story Lost and Found, these are Lily's missing posthumous letters. Harry reads them. It's very intense.


    What really happened the night Sirius sent Snape down to the Whomping Willow. James, Sirius, and Severus's points of view, variously. CANON. Missing scenes.

  • Prissy Cissy and the Wedding Dress from Hell

    Another Black fic. This one's all about Narcissa's wedding day. Can she prevent Bellatrix and newly-disowned Sirius from killing each other? Will her parents ever show her any real affection? Are she and Lucius really ready for this?

  • Harry Potter and the Desperate Housewife

    Harry and Ginny get married! Things go downhill from there...

  • Season's Blessings

    Christmas 1993. All seems well for the prosperous Malfoys. But is it? For the Secret Santa Challenge.

  • SlytherinFree Zone

    What if the post-Voldemort Wizarding world decided to get rid of Slytherin House, the root of all their problems, once and for all? Features the Sorting Hat, a new Headmistress, and a Slytherin Potter. Sorry, ex-Slytherin Potter.

  • Bad Faith

    For the 100 Drabbles/Oneshots Challenge. Malfoycentric.

  • Beginnings and Endings

    Series of drabbles 500 words or less. Ever wondered why Wormtail went over to the Dark Side? Why Snape didn't kill him? What really happened between Draco and Ginny? James and Narcissa? How Draco and Astoria got together? Just a few...possibilities.

  • My Favorite Enemy

    Hermione's just trying to get her Rune translation done. When someone else's issues interrupt, will she be glad or sorry?

  • Sorted and Consorted with a Sorting Hat

    For the Conversations with a Hat Challenge. From Lily Evans to Scorpius Malfoy.

  • Like A Sister To Me

    Harry reflects on his relationship with Hermione--what it is, what it isn't, and the meaning of love.