

  • Trust

    Post ep for 5X10

  • Not Broken, Just Bent

    Annie is back from Hong Kong. Post 4X16

  • Exit Package

    This is how broken I think Walkerson is, here is a proposed end to Season 5.

  • Adrift

    If I wrote episode 508 this would definitely be in it, but since it probably won't be I am writing it for myself.

  • Runner Up

    And so it begins, Hayley isn't going anywhere it seems, so let's make her totally nuts, OK? OK! I hope the show supports my position.

  • Wishful Thinking: A Virtual Season 6

    Here is my personal wish for what could have been in Season 6. If you have ever read my fic you should have an idea what to expect. (hint: Walkerson)

  • Escape Clause IV: Snapshots

    Ten Snapshots, one from each of the first 10 years of Annie & Auggie's life as parents. Warning, lots of snuggling and cuddling going on here. Update: Inspired to keep this going, so there is more than the initial 10 now!

  • Echoes

    Another wish fulfillment piece for 508 before reality emerges tomorrow.

  • Threshold

    Quick 501 missing scene/post-ep. Raise your hand if you think Annie and Auggie are now emotionally detached per Annie's directive? No one? OK, proceed with Season 5.

  • My Crack of Sunlight

    S5 snippet before real S5 begins. Based on interviews and photos to date. If you are 100% unspoiled you might want to wait to read.

  • Escape Clause III: Nesting

    This picks up 3 months into Annie's pregnancy as established in Escape Clause II.

  • Escape Clause II: One Year Later

    This is a follow up to a fic I wrote called Escape Clause, it goes AU around episode 4X06 (meaning a lot of the Season 4 angst never happened). It is my happy place.

  • Full Circle

    What if things have to get worse for Annie and Auggie before they get better. Post 4X16