
  • my little love

    "Sarah, what's this, what's going on here?" She gestured her hand down the length of Sarah's body and back up in amusement. Join the Talder discord here: /talder

  • The Longest Night

    Yule, the longest night of the year, the darkness doesn't normally bother Tally. But tonight, it brings with it bad memories.

  • Hot Chocolate Kisses

    Fluffcember Day 1 - First Dates l Clouds Sarah and Tally go on their first date.

  • Frozen Hearts

    Regina's locked herself up in a cabin in the woods, buried her heart somewhere in said woods so she can slowly get through her pain over what has happened with Robin and Marian. Emma goes to comfort her and ask her to come home, a ice storm ensues. Regina's going to freeze to death if they can't get to her heart in time. Will Regina love again too? Elsanna make an appearance. SQ

  • Without You Things Go Hazy

    Set after the fight with Zelena and Regina gets thrown into the clock tower. Emma reminds Regina that nothing Zelena said is true and there are people who love her.

  • Finally Found You

    When they finally find Shaw, Root so badly wants to run to her and hug her and never let her go. Fluffy reunion one-shot. #RootAndShaw

  • The Falling of a Swan

    She could hear Tamsin cry out in her sleep every night. Somehow Bo knows that Tamsin won't speak of her nightmares to her, she's got too much pride. Valkubus. Set after 5x01.

  • The Cold Never Bothered Me

    Regina forgives Emma only if she forgives herself. They're both broken but maybe they can heal each other.

  • Never Letting You Go Again

    Henry remembers Regina. (Tiny little drabble.)