The events of Sarah showing up in Tally's bedroom go a little more angsty.
A reunion with a kiss.
Sarah is brought back from being trapped in a dreamworld by the witchplague and she mourns the loss of the life she had there. Talder Week Day #4 - Hurt/Comfort
Tally and Sarah go undercover as newlyweds as a favor to Petra who thinks there's some ex-Camarilla hiding out in the suburbs. Talder Week 2022 Day #3 - Sharing a Bed
5 times they went on a date 1 time they didn't make it out the door. Talder Week Day #2 - After the War
5 times Sarah Alder left 1 time she stayed. Talder Week Day #1 - Reunion
They just needed to fuck.
The reunion at the bar. Inspired by that scene from 3x03 trailer.
It happened suddenly one day, neither expected it, it just happened to slip out when Sarah's guard was down.
When Sarah Alder rescues Tally Craven from the Camarilla they reconnect in a simple cabin in the woods. Whumptober Day No. 7 - MY SPIDEY-SENSE IS TINGLING - helplessness numbness blindness
Someone you pass on the street may already be the love of your life. (MFS/You've Got Mail AU)
Some people change your life forever. (MFS/Carol AU)
Sarah is so tired. No. 12 - IT'LL BE FUN, THEY SAID torture made to watch begging
It's Ostara.
Even at the end of the war, Sarah's rage consumes.
Who would've known that after living over three hundred years the one meant for you would end up being a twenty something year old war college cadet on the run from your ancient enemies and the United States government?
No. 11 - JUST KEEP SWIMMING adrift drowning dehydration
Meanwhile, back in the Cession Sarah and Tally accidentally drink the love potion that Raelle and Abigail had brewed to sell on Valentine's Day.
Sometimes Tally can't sleep and so she does what she knows she shouldn't and finds herself out for a late night run. All cadets should be in bed. And they've been warned especially about being out on the full moon unless under the supervision of a higher rank. But when the moon is full it has a greater sway over her emotions. Set after 2x09.
For day #2 of Talder Week - Arranged Marriage Tally wants to find a way to save Sarah Alder's life.