
  • It's alright I'm here

    The events of Sarah showing up in Tally's bedroom go a little more angsty.

  • Apricity

    A reunion with a kiss.

  • Come Back, Be Here

    Sarah is brought back from being trapped in a dreamworld by the witchplague and she mourns the loss of the life she had there. Talder Week Day #4 - Hurt/Comfort

  • Under Covers

    Tally and Sarah go undercover as newlyweds as a favor to Petra who thinks there's some ex-Camarilla hiding out in the suburbs. Talder Week 2022 Day #3 - Sharing a Bed

  • The First Couple of Dates

    5 times they went on a date 1 time they didn't make it out the door. Talder Week Day #2 - After the War

  • Before You Go

    5 times Sarah Alder left 1 time she stayed. Talder Week Day #1 - Reunion

  • The Two Rivers Roadhouse

    They just needed to fuck.

  • I will follow the sun till I see you again

    The reunion at the bar. Inspired by that scene from 3x03 trailer.

  • Little Sparrow

    It happened suddenly one day, neither expected it, it just happened to slip out when Sarah's guard was down.

  • halcyon days

    When Sarah Alder rescues Tally Craven from the Camarilla they reconnect in a simple cabin in the woods. Whumptober Day No. 7 - MY SPIDEY-SENSE IS TINGLING - helplessness numbness blindness

  • The Shop Around the Corner

    Someone you pass on the street may already be the love of your life. (MFS/You've Got Mail AU)

  • Sarah

    Some people change your life forever. (MFS/Carol AU)

  • Please Don't Go

    Sarah is so tired. No. 12 - IT'LL BE FUN, THEY SAID torture made to watch begging

  • Bloom

    It's Ostara.

  • i lost the little girl inside of me

    Even at the end of the war, Sarah's rage consumes.

  • in that moment I swear we were infinite

    Who would've known that after living over three hundred years the one meant for you would end up being a twenty something year old war college cadet on the run from your ancient enemies and the United States government?

  • When It Hurts

    No. 11 - JUST KEEP SWIMMING adrift drowning dehydration

  • Love Potion No 9

    Meanwhile, back in the Cession Sarah and Tally accidentally drink the love potion that Raelle and Abigail had brewed to sell on Valentine's Day.

  • Wolves Without Teeth

    Sometimes Tally can't sleep and so she does what she knows she shouldn't and finds herself out for a late night run. All cadets should be in bed. And they've been warned especially about being out on the full moon unless under the supervision of a higher rank. But when the moon is full it has a greater sway over her emotions. Set after 2x09.

  • carry you

    For day #2 of Talder Week - Arranged Marriage Tally wants to find a way to save Sarah Alder's life.