

  • A Special Kind of Strange

    Come along and watch the hilarity as Matsuda's Fiance and Little Sister wreak randomness upon the members of the Kira Task Force! (OC1xL, OC2xMatsuda...LET THE RANDOM BEGIN!)

  • Scream it to the world!

    A cute little one-shot i wrote for my friend on an online game, featuring her and the quite attractive KazeKage, Gaara of the Sand ! Hope you like it, Shadz! I hope everyone else enjoys it too :3

  • Dead or ALIVE

    Vash stumbles into a Bar, gets drunk of his ass (surprise? I think not!) HAS CRAZY ADVENTURES! And...meets the girl of his dreams? (Random idea I've had for quite a while now. (Rating subject to change later...maybe.))

  • Of Swords and Strength

    20 year old Hikari decides to walk into a dojo and begin training in martial-arts like she's dreamed. She grows attached to the young students, especially Collin. After falling for her sensei Link, things begin to get complicated when a rival appears to steal away the object of her affection! Will she win him over, or lose all she's ever wanted? (Characters from Twilight Princess)

  • Innocence is Bliss

    Lavi is a doofis, Komui has a brother-sister complex with the twins (Hoshi and Lenalee), Allen is terrified, Kanda is pissed, Rin is confused, and Bookman is on a rampage, Krory is...Krory, while poor Hoshi just wants some damn peace and quiet! What chaos, adventure, and hilarity will ensue? Read on to find out! [Hoshi(OC) x Lavi, Rin(OC) x Allen]

  • My Dearest Fallen

    Join Angela Grace 'Weasley', a Girl adopted by the Weasley family about to start year three at Hogwarts. Third member of George and Fred's now trio, ' The Troublesome Triple'. What's the catch you may ask? Against her wishes, she was sorted into the house of...SLYTHERIN? Follow her as she struggles with her past, and the drama to soon come as she falls for the Prince of Slytherin.

  • Stay Young!

    Join 18 year old Taylor, Shauna's older sister, as she ventures through the Kalos region with her companions. What hardships, obstacles, fun scenarios, and joyous moments alike await our Heroine? And will she be able to obtain the affection of the man who occupies both her mind and heart? Read to find out! [[RATED T: for language along with semi suggestive themes and situations]]