
  • The Copper's Beeches

    A retired D.I. gives a recovered addict a job, and a home, and a reason to smile. Then he insists she dye her hair, and disappears three times a day into the woods. This is no simple act of charity. There are much, much nastier things going on in Hampshire. (Modern adaptation of The Adventure Of The Copper Beeches, set 6 months after HLV - rated for mentions of drug use)

  • Gordian

    Sometimes a knot gets so tight and complex, it can't be untangled. It has to be cut. Jim sends Moran to cut a very old knot for him. [A two-shot - Jim in London and Seb in New York.]

  • A Shower of P----s

    Malcolm Tucker sees a lot of people come and go around Whitehall. But please, don't worry - he's got enough bile to go about. - [Now featuring, by popular demand, Sherlock Holmes, with a special appearance by Olly Reeder. Warning: v. v. v. strong language in places, and not a little threat.]

  • The Unfortunate Delusions Of Sebastian Moran

    Finally back in London, after all this time, Jim's first port of call is to find his old gunner. What a surprise, then, to find a happily domesticated security guard who's fired nothing more serious than a paintball gun these last couple of years. He's 'out of the game'. Or so he says, anyway. So Moran thinks. [I'm told it's Mormor, if you want it to be *shrug* What do I know?]

  • Monopoly

    When the bad get bored, the bored play Monopoly. This, however, is a slightly modified version of the game. The Top Hat is a Master Blackmailer. You have to buy the use of Wheelbarrow to move the body after you've killed someone. You don't buy properties at Fleet Street, you buy a journalist. Jim Moriarty has never done anything by halves.

  • Flu

    It's hard to be effectively scary when you can't breathe through your nose. Jim's not feeling so sexy today. [Written because there is so much Sherlock sickfic in the world. T for language and sustained threats to friends who only want to help.]

  • Bear Day Afternoon

    On the day of Children In Need, the Tardis lands at Coal Hill, bringing the Doctor, a huge host of helpers and a big yellow bear on the verge of a nervous breakdown. - My annual fundraiser. It won't cost you a penny, all for this fabulous cause that the Time Lord himself supports each year. This is me doing my bit as a Whovian. Read to find out how you can do yours.

  • Medium Is The Message

    Sherlock is approached by a con artist with a somewhat... unorthodox request. (Just a quick-fic, only a few Cs. Extra points to anybody who knows where that title's from!)

  • Cheap Coffee

    It's funny how things work out. A single bullet can cost you millions, a single word can cost you your life. And yet here we are today, and Jim's about to get the limelight back, about to get the best help he could ask for, and all for the price of one thin, awful coffee. - - Post-S3 oneshot, and matches the rest of my post-S3 oneshots. Building up toward something bigger.

  • Death And The Honeycomb Craving

    In which a heavily pregnant Mary wants one last kill, just so she can know it's her last. Maybe she's not meant to retire just yet... [Only e knows why this fic exists]

  • A Reliable Source

    A couple of months ago, there were two men Kitty Reilly never expected to see again. Holmes's return made it one. She's about to get a shock. And no - she didn't miss him. [Set a couple of hours after HLV - a writing exercise where I picked two characters out of a... teacup.]

  • The Easy Way

    Dying was the simplest thing in the world. Getting rid of all the people who would never allow you to die... that's another matter entirely. The hardest work Jim did before the Fall was getting the other players to heed their exit lines. [A birthday present, for somebody called Zoe, who has a great friend called Eden. Sorry it's such a sad thing - I blame this bloody weather]

  • They Hear What They Expect To

    James Moriarty visited Appledore only once. Charles Magnussen was in no hurry whatsoever to ask him back. [A one-shot, because I'm confused that they seem to have stayed out of each other's way, and because I feel sorry for all those poor Milvertons we built during hiatus.]

  • The Image Given Back

    Jim pays a respectful visit to Baker Street. [A quick little oneshot, a companion to Black Glass, with massive spoilers for Vow.]